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Niall: “Do you know you talk in your sleep?” Niall asked, while the two of you were eating breakfast. You had just stuffed a piece of toast into your mouth, and so you could not reply. Instead of waiting, he explained further, “I’ve heard it before, but last night you went on and on.” “About what?” Niall smiled at the memory of the night before, “I really don’t know.” “Well what do I say?” You asked curiously. You’d never been told you talked in your sleep before, and wondered what you could possibly say. “It’s really just random stuff. Nothing adds up to anything logical. Don’t worry though, I don’t tell anyone anyway. Those conversations are the secrets that I keep, though they make no sense to me.” “I wonder why I do,?” you questioned, before reaching for your drink, and Niall watched you take a sip. “I think that may actually be the reason. The fact you can’t go to bed without a cup of tea.” You thought about your nightly cup of tea that you loved, and could not give up, “Well, I guess I’ll continue to talk in my sleep then.”

Louis: Lying in bed with Louis after a long day, you were so tired. Instead of falling asleep though, you had so many random thoughts popping into your head. “What song do you think of for me?” You suddenly asked Louis, after thinking of all the songs that reminded you of him. Louis turned his head to look at you, “What?” “Like what songs make you think of me when you hear them?” Louis was used to your random questions late at night, so he just smiled, and thought of an answer. “I always think of you when we sing Little Things.” “Really?” A bright smiled covered your face hearing that. You loved that song, and knowing he thought of you while singing it made you feel so happy. “Yeah,” Louis nodded, “Every lyric in that song makes me think of you. Every little thing I love, all those things, it’s you they add up to you. I’m in love with you.” You tossed over to lay your head on his chest, loving his reply, “I love you so much Louis.”

Harry: “I wrote you something,” Harry told you, as you were opening your two year anniversary gift, “It’s right inside, so be careful not to rip it.” You nodded, as you tore of the wrapping paper that hid your gift, “Okay, I’ll look for it.” As soon as you got all the paper off of your box, all you saw the books you’d been begging for, “Thank you!” “I wanted to get you something different, but you kept saying that over and over,” Harry explained, feeling as if books were not good anniversary presents. You were very happy with them though. “I love them!” “I’m glad. Read the letter,” Harry said, right as you picked up the piece of paper. You smiled as you began to read the sweet words, “Your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for me. But bear this in mind, it was meant to be. And I’m joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks. And it all makes sense to me…” You trailed off, unable to read the rest, as you had tears falling down your face, “I love this.” Harry was so glad you liked the letter. He’d been nervous about giving it to you. “I love you so much [Y/N]. You’re everything to me.”

Liam: Your confidence level was horribly low. Even though you were with Liam, and he told you everyday how beautiful you were, you didn’t believe it. “How do you not see how beautiful you are?” he asked you one day, when you told him he was lying, after he complimented you. To answer his question, you told him exactly what flaws you saw, listing so many things, and every single one Liam did not see. “[Y/N], you may see all these things you think are wrong with you, but you’re perfect to me. I know you’ve never loved the crinkles by yours eyes when you smile. Your stomach. Your thighs. The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine. All those things you see as so wrong with you, they mean nothing to me. I love you, and every single part of you.” You tried to smile at his kind words, but couldn’t, “I just see so many flaws. So many little things that I want to change.” Liam understood what he said could not suddenly change your opinion of yourself, but he was going to keep trying, “I know you’ll never love yourself as much as I love you, but I hope one day you do see how beautiful you are.”

Zayn: “It sounds horrible, and I know that, but what do you think about the lyrics?” You asked Zayn, as the two of you sat in a recording studio, listening to a demo of a song you’d written. As a songwriter, having a song you wrote actually recorded, was the most amazing feeling in the world. Hearing it in your own voice though, took away from some of that joy. You wished it could have been someone else’s voice. “I couldn’t find anyone to sing it yesterday, so I did it myself. So ignore that part.” Zayn who had been trying to listen the entire time you spoke, smiled as the song ended, “It’s amazing [Y/N]. And I know you’ve never loved the sound of your voice on tape, you’ve told me before. You sound really good though.” You didn’t really believe his compliment, “Thanks, but I’m just glad you liked the lyrics. I’m hoping someone will record this for real.” Zayn had no doubts, “It will happen. This is a really good song [Y/N].”

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