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Harry: Driving down the road alone, Harry had the radio on full blast. He was enjoying the loud noise, because it helped drown out all his thoughts of you. Since your breakup two weeks earlier, missing you was all he thought about. Everyday his mind was on constantly on you, but the radio was helping distract him, even if it was only for a moment. Suddenly a romantic song came on, and he quickly shut off the radio before more than 3 lines had been sung. “I can’t stand dumb love songs,” he mumbled to himself angrily. Now that you were gone, all that reminded him of was what he no longer had. Just like that, within a few short moments, his mind was right back on you, and how badly he wanted you back.

Zayn: You and Zayn had a rocky relationship. One day the two of you were happy and in love, and the next day you were fighting and on the edge of a breakup. Your friends were not around the two of you enough to know this, but his friends were. They only saw you as wrong though, and didn’t see that he was equally at fault. When the two of you finally did end things, but you were thinking about getting back together, Zayn explained to you what his friends were telling him, “Everyone’s been telling me, that I’m just too blind to see how you’ve messed me up. They say I’m better off now.” You rolled your eyes. Of course they’d say that. “What do you think?” “I think they really don’t know enough to talk. I want you back [Y/N], and I don’t care what they say.”

: “Hi,” you barely got out, as you walked up to Louis, your ex. Five months ago the two of you had broken up, and this was the very first time you’d seen each other since that day. It felt a little awkward. You were out with your new boyfriend, and you were not prepared to run into Louis. “Hey [Y/N].” A short conversation continued on between the two of you, with you feeling good about how things were going. The awkwardness was slowly faded for you. Finally though, Louis had to tell you that he really wasn’t happy talking to you right now, “I’m trying to be okay. I’m trying to be alright about all of this, but seeing you with him just don’t feel right.” “Oh…” you glanced down nervously, “I should go.” “Yeah,” he nodded sadly, already regretting what he’d just said, but it was the truth. “Bye Louis.”

Niall: You and Niall were extremely close, and you loved your friendship. He was one of your best friends, and you never wanted that to go away. So when you could tell he was developing stronger feelings for you, you quickly made sure he knew exactly how you felt. “Let’s just be friends,” you told him, one day, as the two of you sat watching a movie, and he put an arm around your shoulders. “What?” He quickly moved his arm. He could not believe the words came out of your mouth; he’d always assumed you felt the same way he did. “I love you Niall, but as a friend. I just wanted to make sure you knew that.” He pretended to not care, and smiled at you, “Of course [Y/N]. We’re just friends, I know that.

Liam: Dealing with a break up was hard to do, but you and Liam were friends first, and you were both determined to be friends after. It was easier for you to do that though, as you were the one who had ended things. For Liam, it wasn’t that easy to still see you as a friend. He tried not to show that for so long, until finally, after weeks of fake smiles, he admitted the truth to you. “I never thought it would hurt this bad getting over you.” “Liam…” You started slowly, but Liam cut you off before you said another word. “’Cause you’re all I ever wanted. I still love you, and it’s so hard to get over you. I can’t do it.” “Liam, I don’t feel that way anymore, I told you that,” you sadly answered, your heart breaking as you broke his, “I’m so, so sorry Liam.”

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