Your first date - Niall

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First Date: Niall

You walked to the nearby park, looking for Niall when you reached it. You say down on the bench he told you about. He wanted to meet in the park for your first date, and you didn’t argue. You wore a simple outfit, just wearing jeans and a cute shirt. He told you to wear something casual, and you complied. You checked your phone, then it buzzed with a new text from Niall. ‘I see u ;)’ was all it said and you looked up. He was grinning and started making his way closer to you. He held a huge basket in his hands and you smiled. Your stomach growled at the sight of it. “Hey Niall,” you said and he continued to smile. “Hey (Y/N), lets head over to the area I already picked out,” he said and you agreed. You helped him carry the basket, and you realized that it was really heavy. You walked, talking about favorite foods as you did. Turns out you both liked a lot of the same foods, working out well for today. He pulled out a blanket, laying it down for you two. “You look really nice (Y/N),” he said, as he sat down on the blanket. You sat down beside him, looking into the basket. “Thank you Niall, so do you,” you said, blushing slightly. He noticed your blush and touched your cheek. “You’re cute when you blush,” he said and you turned even darker. You two started eating and talking during it. You enjoyed his company during the nice supper. It was starting to get late so you two laid on the blanket and started to stargaze. “Niall, I didn’t know you could eat so much,” you said and he chuckled. You found yourself laughing along with him. “You’re a fan and you didn’t know,” he kept chuckling. “I didn’t stalk your life,” you said and be stopped laughing. “Some people do, and trust me I had better things to do,” you said and you looked him. “That’s what I like about you,” he said and you were confused. “What do you mean?” You asked and he sighed. “You didn’t obsess about me, so you’re still able to learn things about me. I like that about you,” he said and you smiled. “Well I like that you are so nice and took me out, even though I’m a fan,” you said and it was his turn to smile. “I’m hoping we get another chance before I move to the next city,” he said and you agreed with him. You continued to stargaze for while. “It’s getting pretty late, I should go,” you said and he helped you get off the ground. “I’ll walk you back to your place,” he offered and you said yes. You walked back to where you lived, talking the whole way. You two ended up staying up all night watching movies, talking and eating popcorn. It was the perfect first date, and the longest. It became a tradition to stay up all night watching movies once a month. Even if you were cities apart, you two would Skype and watch the same movies. It was a tradition you always wanted to keep.

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