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Harry: “The water is colder than I thought it would be,” you commented, as you and Harry stood wrapped in each others arms in the ocean, “I thought it would still be really hot.” “It is a little cold,” Harry agreed, but his mind was not on the water. As he stared at you, all he could think about was how happy he was to be your husband. “[Y/N], do you realize we’re actually married?” “Yes Harry, I was at our wedding,” you laughed, as you pulled yourself closer to Harry, “I heard the words husband and wife, just like you did.” “It feels unreal, doesn’t it?” Harry questioned, as small waves rushed around you, “After everything, we’re actually on our honeymoon right now.” You thought over his words for a moment, before nodding with a smile, “It does feel unreal. I never thought we’d actually get to this point. It always seemed so far away. But here we are, standing together in the ocean, on our honeymoon.”

Liam: “This is pretty perfect,” you sighed, as you and Liam sat on the beach, enjoying the last day of your honeymoon, “I really don’t want to leave tomorrow.” “Me either,” Liam answered, looking away from the water he had been staring at, and glancing at you, “I’ve had a really amazing time this week.” “First the wedding, and then this trip. This has honestly been the best week of my life,” you responded, as Liam reached out to hold your hand. Sitting there, holding your husband’s hand, you could do nothing to stop the large smile forming over your face, “I love you so much Liam.” “I love you too [Y/N],” he replied, before looking back at the water, “Come on, let’s go in the water, see who can swim faster.” You were laughing, as you jumped up, “You know it’s me, so why try?” “So you think,” he joked, as you both quickly made your way into the water.

Niall: “So you’re newlyweds?” The woman sitting next to you on your flight, asked you, as you scrolled through pictures of your wedding on your phone, and showed them to Niall; who was sitting on the other side of you. “Yes M’am,” you nodded, while staring at a picture of you and Niall kissing near your cake, “We got married last night.” “And now you’re on your way to your honeymoon,” she assumed, smiling as she watched Niall put an arm around him, “That must be so exciting!” “It is,” Niall nodded, as you switched to another picture, this one of you cutting the cake together, “But it’s still a little hard to believe we’re actually married.” “It hasn’t sunk in yet?” You shook your head, as Niall replied, “Not at all. I’ve wanted to marry [Y/N] for so long, and now she’s actually my wife. It’s the best feeling, but doesn’t feel real.” A huge smile was on your face, as you looked towards Niall, “I love you so much.” “I love you too.”

Louis: At first there was going to be no honeymoon at all; Louis wasn’t sure he’d be able to go on a trip right away, and that it would have to be at a later time. So lying in bed, wrapped in his arms, on your short 3 day honeymoon; you were so grateful. “I love you,” you whispered, to your new husband, “I’m really glad we were able to have a honeymoon now.” “Me too,” Louis replied quietly, as he moved a strand of hair out of your face, “You look so beautiful [Y/N]. Yesterday, in that dress, you looked perfect.” You blushed, and didn’t reply; not sure what to say to that. “I can’t even tell you how lucky I feel to have you as my wife now.” “You’re being too nice Louis,” you responded, snuggling closer to him as you did, “I’m just as lucky to have such an amazing husband. So, do you want to just lay here and watch a movie?” “That sounds good. You can pick out which one. Just surprise me.”

Zayn: You were standing over the bed, staring down at Zayn, who was still sleeping; even though you’d been up for hours. “Zayn, get up! It’s our honeymoon! We have to go do something. We can’t just stay in here all day.” Barely opening his eyes, Zayn mumbled a reply, “We could. I wouldn’t mind that.” You laughed, and crossed your arms, “I would. We paid a lot of money to have this tropical trip, and there is no way I’m spending all our time in here. Let’s go swimming or shopping. Anything but sleeping. Please.” So tired from your wedding the night before, Zayn really wanted to pull the blanket closer to him and pass out once again, but he knew that wasn’t really an option. “Okay, just give me a half hour to get up and get ready. Then we’ll go do whatever you want, Mrs. Malik.” You blushed due to him calling you that. “Okay, I’ll be downstairs eating breakfast. Just come meet me when you’re ready.”

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