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Liam: “It’s a little small,” you commented, as you and Liam walked through the fifth house your real estate agent decided to show you. “Yeah,” Liam agreed, as he looked into the very small third bedroom. It had barely enough room for even a bed to fit in it, and you just didn’t see how this house would work for you. Liam felt the same way, and turned to face the real estate agent, “I know we said we wanted something smaller than that mansion you showed us, but this is a little much. Don’t you have something in between?” She wore the same fake smile she’d worn the entire time you’d been with her, as she replied, “Of course. I just wanted to show you this option. I have another house that I’m sure you’ll love.” You pretended to smile right back at her, “Let’s go see that one then.”

Louis: “Once we sign this paper, that’s it. It’s our home,” Louis explained to you once again, as if you didn’t already know that, “Are you sure?” He was completely sure this is what he wanted to do. He wanted to buy this home with you, and live there for many, many years; until you’d need something bigger. He wanted to be sure you were ready though, and didn’t feel like you had to sign. “If you don’t want to, we can leave right now.” You had thought long and hard about this, knowing how much this would cost, and you knew your answer, “I am ready. I am so ready to sign, and for that house to be ours. I can’t wait to go home. Our home. It’s so exciting, but I’ve thought logically as well, and this is exactly what I want.”

Niall: “Is this your first home?” your brand new neighbor asked you and Niall, when she came over to introduce herself to you, while the two of you were busy unloading boxes. She could tell you were both very young, and was just assuming that fact. “Yes,” you nodded happily, as Niall put down the box he had been carrying to come over and say hello. “Well our first home together.” “That’s must be exciting,” she smiled, as she reached out to shake Niall’s hand, “It’s nice to meet you. I hope you both enjoy it here. If you need anything, I’m right next door.” “Thanks,” Niall said, while your smile just kept growing. You were just so happy to actually own a home with Niall. It was such a big step, and nothing else in the world could make you happier.

Zayn: When you and Zayn started looking at houses, you thought you knew exactly what you wanted. You had a long list of wants, and felt confident you’d find a house with all of those things. But the second you stepped into a home that had barely half of those things, you just knew it was your home. “This is it,” you told Zayn, completely sure of that fact, “I can’t explain it, but I know this is our home.” “Really?” Zayn asked, as he looked at the house that he also really liked for some odd reason, “but it doesn’t have so much.” “I know,” you nodded your head, “But it just feels right. I could see us living here, and raising kids one day. I just really love this house.” Zayn continued to look around, and tried to picture it all himself. “Let’s make an offer.”

Harry: You were only days away from signing the papers on the home you and Harry had chosen, when you began to have strong doubts. “I just think we rushed to pick one, and this one is not for us,” you told Harry, in tears over how strongly you felt about not buying this house, “I know we’re so close, but I just don’t want this anymore. I don’t love it, and I want to love our home.” “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” Harry asked, knowing right away there was no way that you would be buying that house. He’d call and cancel the sale as soon as possible. “I thought maybe I was just nervous, but no, I don’t like it. We can find something better. Let’s keep looking. Please.” “Of course! we’ll find one we both love. I promise.”

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