walking down the aisle (his pov)

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I’ve never seen someone so beautiful. All eyes are on her. Out of the corner of my eye I can see a few glances back at me, but I don’t really focus on that. My focus is on her, as hers is on me. Her father hands her off to me with tears in his eyes. It’s his little girl, what’d you expect? I take her hand in mine before giving it a soft kiss, as we turn to face the priest. I’m going to be spending the rest of my life with this woman, and I can’t wait.


"I love you" I mouth the words as she walks through the doors of the church. She’s in one of the most beautiful dresses I’ve ever seen. Her face is lit up in a smile, and her father’s eyes are watering a tad bit. All of my worries and nerves from earlier on in the day have vanished, and I truly cannot wait to spend the rest of forever with the woman in front of me.


And I thought she was beautiful before. A few whistles from my friends in the front row echoed throughout the church as soon as she stepped through the doors. She is smiling ear to ear, and her eyes are locked on mine. The rest of the worlds drowns out around us, and she is the only person I see. She steps up to the altar beside me and mouths "I love you". The priest starts to do his thing, and before I begin to pay attention, I mouth back to her "I love you too".


I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous in my entire life. Unlock the knees. Unlock the knees. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I’ve performed in front of millions of people, yet here I am so nervous to become a husband. The music starts playing and the wedding party walks down the aisle first. She steps foot through the door and my heart stops. She’s all that matter now. I can’t wait to spend forever with her.


She’s so beautiful. I must look so dumb just staring at her like I’ve never seen her before, but I don’t care. She’s looking down at the ground, probably to focus on her walking. She looks up and her eyes meet my gaze. Her lips curl into a smile, and my heart starts beating super fast. She makes her way to the altar and the priest begins to speak, and I keep glancing over at her. I can’t believe how lukcy I am to have a woman like her to call mine. 

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