Right Now

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Niall: You had been sleeping in your bed, so tired after a long day, when a phone call from Niall had awaken you. “Were you asleep?” he asked, after you yawned while saying hello. You laughed at the thought that he assumed you’d still be up this late. “Yes, I was.” “Oh, sorry.” “It’s okay, I’m glad you called. What’s up?” Across the world, Niall was so glad you weren’t upset that he’d woken you. “I just miss you. I really wish you were here with me.” Still tired, it took a few moments for you to reply, though you had an answer right away, “Maybe we can plan something. I miss you a lot too.”

Liam: “I can’t sleep. There’s people outside singing in the street, and it makes me miss home for some reason,” Liam explained to you, as the two of you talked over the phone late at night. “They’re singing in the streets?” you asked, not able to picture what that looked like, “Seriously?” “Well I think they’re in the streets. I just hear them, I didn’t look. It was like the second the lights went down, this started.” You couldn’t help but laugh at that. It sounded very strange to you, “Sorry, I hope it ends soon. Or you know, you could go join them.”

Harry: You originally were not going to go with Harry when he went on tour. You felt awkward, and like you had no right to be there. He’d begged you though, and now you were with him, away from home, for so long. With Harry being so busy, that got to you a lot more than him. “I just miss home, and my friends, and my family.” Harry hated to see you look so hurt. “I know we won’t be going home for so long, and I’m sorry. So you feel alone?” You shook you’re head, “No. I know I’m not on my own. I have you. I just miss them too, you know?” “I know, I’m sorry,” he answered, reaching to hold your hand, “But we’ll be back home before you know it.”

Louis: Your entire body tensed up, as Louis, your ex-boyfriend, sat next to you. You were at a party with your closest friends, and Louis was friends with all of them as well, so it was not a shock to you that he was there. You just didn’t want him to sit next to you. “This really reminds me of how it used to be,” he commented, while you were trying to act normal. “What do you mean?” you asked, not sure how you wanting to be a million miles away was the same as it used to be. “I mean,” Louis started slowly, “Just you and me, and all our friends.” You wished it felt the way for you, that it obviously felt for him, “I don’t feel it, but sure, whatever.”

Zayn: “Everything is new to me. All of this. I’m trying to get used to it, and I feel like right now, I feel the best I ever have felt about it all,” you explained to Zayn, speaking about your relationship. It was not a simple relationship, with so many other’s opinions in your head constantly, and you hoped he understood how hard it all was for you to deal with. “But right now you’re okay?” you finally questioned, hoping he had heard that part right. He couldn’t imagine losing you. You nodded, relieving him when you did. “I love you Zayn, and I can’t fight the feeling. This is scary to me, but so worth it.”

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