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Liam: Smiling to yourself, while you sat alone in the library, you were so lost in your own world that you did not even notice Liam, your best friend, had walked into the building. You may not have noticed him, but he saw you right away. The second he stepped into the room, his eyes fell on you, and he quickly made his way over to you, “Hey [Y/N]. What are you thinking about?” You jumped, startled, “Liam!” He sat down next you, and continued on with his question jokingly, “Is it me? Are you thinking of me?” You laughed playfully, “Yes Liam, of course, I was sitting here thinking of just you. Nothing else.” “I knew it!” Liam joked, honestly wishing that were the truth, “But seriously, what is making you smile?” “Just thinking about things,” you replied vaguely, “Anyway, hi Liam.”

Harry: Spending the day with Harry, while he was in town, so many feelings that you tried to ignore were right in the front of your mind. For so long you’d known you liked Harry, but did nothing about it. It was such a scary step to take, to admit you had feelings for your best friend. You were sure you would never say a thing. You didn’t have it in you to risk it all. So you were so grateful, that Harry did have the strength to risk everything the two of you had, to say how he felt. He didn’t hold back, he said exactly what was on his mind. “[Y/N], what would you do. I mean, what would you say, if I were to say that I really want to kiss you right now.” You were stunned for a minute or two, your heart racing with joy, before you leaned in to have your very first kiss with Harry.

Niall: “Just tell me,” you begged, when you could tell Niall were holding back on telling you something. Twice he’d tried to speak, but he had stopped himself both times. “Tell me whatever it is.” He stared at you, and thought over the feelings he was trying to confess, “I’m afraid you’ll run away, if I tell you what I’ve wanted to tell you.” That sentence worried you, but you tried not to show it on your face, “I promise I won’t. Just tell me what’s going on Niall.” “Would things change, if I told you I like you more than as my friend?” “W-what?” You were shocked. “I like you [Y/N], a lot,” he said plainly. “Oh,” was all you could say. You liked him as well, but you were just so shocked to hear him say that, and too stunned to think.

Louis: “I know it’s so soon,” Louis started slowly, while the two of you were walking through a beautiful park together, “And you just got out of another awful relationship.” “Mhm,” you nodded, trying not to allow your mind to go to your ex. He had been so horrible to you, and you were still trying to get over how badly you felt. Thinking of him would only ruin this nice moment you were having with Louis. “But I was wondering if you’d go out with me? I know maybe I just gotta wait, or maybe this is a mistake. I just have to ask.” You stopped walking, as his words sunk in, “Louis, no. I mean, I’m still. I haven’t…. I don’t…” Louis raised a hand to tell you to stop, as his feel face. He felt like a fool. “it’s okay really. I understand.” “One day maybe, just not now. Not yet. I’m sorry.”

Zayn: You were having the time of your life on your second date with Zayn. On your first date, it had been a group date with a few of your friends, so this was truly the first time you’d been alone with him. That made it feel like it was your first date, and you were enjoying every minute of it. Suddenly Zayn pulled you close to him, and you both melted into your first shared kiss. Everything about it sent fireworks through you, and when you pulled away you had a huge smile on your face. Zayn was smiling as well, “I really want to be your last first kiss [Y/N]. I don’t want another guy to ever kiss your lips again.” “I don’t want anyone else to kiss me either,” you replied, loving the thought that you could have just had your very last first kiss.

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