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Harry: “What if something had been going on, when you stormed into my room?” You asked Harry, so angry that he had done that, “I was just studying, and you couldn’t even trust me!” With a small shrug, Harry tried to say the right words, “I was just worried. You’re my little sister, and I didn’t like you being alone with a boy.” You crossed your arms, “If I stormed into your room, when you had some girl over, you’d be so mad at me. Wouldn’t you?” Harry hesitated after you said that. “So you’re not denying that?” “[Y/N], this is about you being still so young….” “Please stop talking,” you said, cutting Harry off, “I am not that young. And I was doing nothing. You just need to learn to trust me. You should know me better than anyone. Just trust me. And do not storm into my room ever again.”

Liam: Liam really tried not to think about you alone with a boy. He tried to focus on anything else, but it was stuck in the front of his mind. So when you finally came out of your room, an hour later, he could not stop himself from questioning you. “Are you okay [Y/N]?” “Yeah, I’m fine,” you responded, trying not to show how pink your cheeks were turning. You hoped Liam could not read on your face what had happened in the last hour. But he saw the blush, and felt sick. You were his baby sister. You weren’t supposed to be that mature yet. At least that’s how he saw you. “[Y/N….” Liam started, but he really had no idea what he wanted to say. “What?” “It’s getting late. You’re friend should probably be leaving soon.” You nervously laughed, while nodding, “He’s leaving soon. Anyway, I should go back in there, I just want to go grab a water first.”

Niall: When your friend left later that night, along with all of Niall’s friends, You sat next to Niall on the couch. “So, did you have a good day?” You asked him, as commercials played on the TV. With a small nod, Niall replied to you, “Yeah, it was nice. And you?” You thought over the day you had, and a smile formed on your face, “Yes. I had a really, really nice day.” Niall was glad your day had been nice, but his earlier worries came back into his mind. “I know I shouldn’t say anything, but I have to. Please make sure you don’t get hurt.” You weren’t sure what Niall meant by that. “I’m fine Niall.” “I know. Right now everything seems perfect. You’ve just never gotten you’re heart broken before, and I want to make sure you’re careful.” You rested your head on the edge of the sofa, still smiling softly, “Thank you for caring Niall. I’m fine though. I promise. I know what I’m doing.”

Zayn: “Leave your door open next time a boy’s over,” Zayn explained to you, long after your friend had left. “Excuse me?” You asked, hoping you had heard him wrong. “You really should leave it open. If anyone else were here, you know it would have to be.” You couldn’t believe what he was asking you, “You’re joking right? I’m not doing anything. I promise. That’s so embarrassing to have to leave the door open.” “I didn’t say anything earlier when you had him in there. I knew it would embarrass you, so I didn’t. But next time please don’t,” Zayn replied, really not wanting to argue with you over it, “If you’re doing nothing, then leaving the door open shouldn’t be an issue.” “If you trust me at all, closing the door shouldn’t be one either,” you snapped, but you knew next time you would leave your door open. Anything for him not to barge into your room and embarrass you.

Louis: “You are so embarrassing! You can’t just yell into my room like that!” You screamed at Louis, after your boyfriend had left your house, “I am not a baby! You can’t treat me like this!” Louis shook his head, “You are not making me regret what I did. You should not be alone with a boy.” You felt so much anger, and could not stop from screaming more, “I can be alone with a boy if I want! You’re barely even here! As soon as you leave again, I will do whatever I want! So why worry now?!” Louis refused to yell back at you, so he had to compose himself for a few moments before responding, “Well while I am here, you are still my baby sister. And if I can make sure nothing happens, I will.” You rolled your eyes, so annoyed in that moment, “When do you leave for the tour again?”

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