Rip - New baby

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Thanks for the request DaughterofRiverSong I hope it's okay ❤

A/N: I love Rip and I've missed him in the show, so to be fun I'm doing whose bureau employed wife, the daughter of Martin Stein, has a baby ❤ Also, brief mention of a possibility of post-natal depression in Rip, so if this upsets you, please read...

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A/N: I love Rip and I've missed him in the show, so to be fun I'm doing whose bureau employed wife, the daughter of Martin Stein, has a babyAlso, brief mention of a possibility of post-natal depression in Rip, so if this upsets you, please read with caution. I realise that it is mostly associated with women, the mothers, but the reality is that it can affect the father just as much!

Okay, so (Name) knew she wasn't really supposed to be this calm about just pushing a living thing out of her lower body, but she was a Time Bureau agent and had faced much more hectic and weird situations than this. The only thing that was missing was her husband, the director of the Bureau itself, wasn't there. There was a good reason for that, she hoped, or Rip was going to be in big trouble. The nurse handed (Name) her new baby, declaring it was a girl. (Name) smiled softly, and huddled the child close to her, cooing at the now sleeping girl and kissing her head softly.

"Hello baby. I'm your mummy, I would introduce you to your daddy but he's not here at the moment. Y'see, he's a time traveler and a superhero, and I'm sure he's doing his best to get here, otherwise mumma's not going to be happy." She said, stroking the newborn's head gently.

A laugh came from the doorway, and (Name) looked up to see Rip, wearing his damn cowboy coat with an excited look on his face. There was a shorter younger man beside him who gave (Name) a wave and an awkward smile, before introducing himself as Wally West, a friend of Rip's.

"Rip, come meet your baby." (Name) whispered, passing the tiny girl to her father who held the infant's hand lightly, telling the child how much she was loved by both of her parents.

Wally explained how he had ended up working with Rip, and that after Rip's fall from director, he was surprised that (Name) was still a fully fledged, respected agent. Wally also confessed that he had a baby sibling on the way, back in 2018 Central City and was just as excited to meet them as Rip had been to get to the hospital. He left not long after, claiming to be in the corridor getting something to eat.

(Name) looked at Rip and felt her heart burst with pride. She and her husband had many the fight over their backgrounds and if Rip actually 'deserved' to have another shot at a family, to which (Name) replied that it was her first time and that she did always want children, but respected that Rip would be hesitant and upset some days, after losing his first wife and son to a future dictator. Here, however, Rip had no inhibition about caring and showing affection to his new daughter but hadn't actually checked up on how his wife was doing, which slightly upset (Name) but she tried to ignore her argumentative feelings so she didn't cause another argument - especially not in front of a stranger and their child. They had both been very open, and discussed the possibility of post-natal depression, and that the probability of it happening was higher with Rip but he had supported her through the pregnancy and was here now, so (Name)'s worries subsided slightly.

"Rip, have you decided on what you want her name to be?" (Name) asked, almost sad to see her husband return to usual, professional manner at the question he was asked.

The pair had decided to each come up with a first and middle name for the girl, and then have a decision about which one was liked best, so each parent had an input in the naming of their new baby.

"I suggest Mary Gideon, after my foster mother from the Time Masters and of course, my best friend." He said, passing the still sleeping child to (Name) who thanked him.

"I thought that we could call her Clarissa after my mother, and I would have suggested Martina as a second name because of my dad but Lily just went and took that option with baby Ronnie's second name." (Name) told her husband who gave her a sad smile.

She had left the Legends when Rip had and helped him create the Time Bureau, purely due to the fact that she wanted to be there for her sister and nephew whilst their father travelled, and his death as well as Jax's departure only made her decision more justified because she had a much easier access to home if she needed it. Both girls being pregnant at the same time caused Clarissa some stress, but (Name) couldn't wait to see her mother's face when she met her grandaughter, Lily meeting her neice as well as Ronnie meeting his cousin.

"How about Clarissa Gideon then?" Rip offered and (Name) nodded. "Welcome to the world, my baby girl, Clarissa Gideon Hunter."

(Name) knew that with the arrival of Clarissa, both her family that travelled through time, and her one back home would be happy.

(And then Rip sacrifices himself to Mallus, but we don't talk about that here - this a Rip Hunter safe place!)

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