Sixteen (Theo and Alex)

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"Just when I think I need someone, they wrap their arms around my old bones." Theodosia Sullivan said softly, her head pressed against the chest of her boyfriend Alex Carlile.
"And then you start breaking apart." He said into her hair, and she sighed.
"I know that I walk away from anyone that cares about me. But Alex, I swear my skin's not as rough as I make it out to be." She whispered, and he kissed the top of her head gently.
"I know."

"And the saddest part is I've been distant since I was sixteen." She said a few hours later, the tension from a fight still lingering in the air.
"It keeps me up in bed." He said, voice still carrying a raw edge of anger that made her shrink away.
"At least your not like me. Stuck here with all the choices I've made, and the chances I was too afraid to take." She muttered, and his eyes softened as he looked at her.

"In the past, I've called myself young and stupid. But lately I feel old and desperate." She said the next day, and he sighed once.
"I've been thinking The. About how it's kind of weird how you find yourself when you have no one." He said back, and pain struck her heart as she looked at him dejectedely.
"I look for the right things in all the wrong places." She whispered, and then sighed

"And I can't help that I've been distant since I was sixteen." She whispered, and he rolled his eyes.
"And I can't help that it keeps me up in bed." He snapped, and her eyes hardened before she faced the windows towards the city they lived in, keeping her eyes glued on a family of three across the street, waving up at her with smiles.
"Now I'm stuck here with all the choices I've made." She said, turning away as the front door closed.

And the chances I was too
Afraid to take

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