The Haunting (Jenna and Tyler)

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"Come on in, boy," said Jenna Black, her eyes looking at Tyler Joseph coyly.
"Why? It's just gonna be dirty secrets, empty memories, and broken hearts across the floor." He said back, and she grinned.
"Don't act like the victim Ty. I was knocked out, heels over head too."
"Yet, your the one who dragged me by my feet to a ghost town, where you buried me." He snapped, and she rolled her bright blue eyes.
"Don't you get it? With us, love's so alive." She said, and he chuckled once, looking at his feet.
"But it died in its sleep Jenna."

"Well, now that it's dead, I can live in your head." She said with a grin, and Tyler looked up.
"And I promise I will haunt your fucking dreams." He said for her, sighing.
"Look, all I know is that no one will love you like I did, will treat you like I did." He spat, forging ahead when she didn't reply.
"So go on, you wear that scarlet letter, because no one will ever touch you like I did. So, good luck finding something better." He said, getting up and crossing to the front door.

"Go ahead, run away, boy, like you always do." Jenna called after him, and he turned back.
"Of course I'm running from you, and your fucking subtle system, your wicked melodies. You have me so entranced I follow every word. And I'm tired of it." He said, and then shook his head.
"This is what you do, catch a lover, then turn them to an enemy just to watch them burn alive."
"No one will ever love you like I did." She said, spitting his words back in his face like poison.

"Jenna, someday you may find that picture perfect guy, then I'll chase my words with poison." He said in a defeated tone, the glint in his eye saying otherwise.
"But until that day arrives, and swine take to the sky, have fun trying to fill your void with open thighs." He spat with venom, and she flinched away from his voice.
"Either way, I know that I'm not in the wrong. I know that no one will treat you like I did. Good luck finding something better."
"No one one will love you like I did Ty." She finally managed, and he smirked.
"That's the point Jen. Just remember that no one will love you like I did, or fuck you like I did." He said finally, then walked out the door, slamming it behind him.

So good luck finding
Something better

(I love Ty and Jenna so much don't come after me.)

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