Chapter 62: The Honeymoon

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Alex's POV
Tonight Lauren and I are flying to Bora Bora for our honeymoon. She and I are so excited. Can't wait to spend some time with my beautiful wife on a beautiful island.

(Later in the day, Lauren tells Alex how she wants to go to Target.|And we all know how Alex is about going to Target with Lauren.)

"Alex," Lauren said.
"Yeah babe," Alex responded.
"Let's go to Target," Lauren said.
"Why?" Alex asked.
"Because we need some things for our trip," Lauren said.
"Do I have to go?" Alex asked.
"Yes because you're going on this trip too," Lauren said.
"Fine," Alex sighed.
"Ok let's go!" Lauren said.

(Lauren and Alex head to Target.)

"Lauren how much longer?" Alex asked.
"Alex we just entered the store, like 5 minutes ago," Lauren said.
"Well it feels like 5 hours," Alex said.
"Ugh! Stop being such a drama queen!" Lauren said.
"I am not a drama queen!" Alex groaned.
"Ok, sure Alex!" Lauren said.
"I'm not!" Alex yelled.

(1 hour later)

"Lauren, are you done yet?" Alex asked.
"Yes Alex, all I need to do is pay," Lauren said.
"Finally," Alex said.
"Oh relax, we've only been here for an hour," Lauren said.
"Really? It felt like we've been here for years," Alex said.
"So I basically married a drama queen," Lauren said.
"I am not a drama queen," Alex said.
"Yes you are," Lauren said.
"Am I at least your drama queen?" Alex asked.
"Yes," Lauren responded.
"Ok then, I'm a drama queen," Alex said.
"Yes you are, but not just any drama queen. You're my drama queen! And I love you no matter how dramatic you are," Lauren said. (She then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.)
"I love you too!" Alex said.

(Lauren and Alex paid for their things, and then they drove back to their apartment.)

(Back at the apartment)

Lauren's POV
"Lauren," Alex said.
"Yeah Alex," Lauren said.
"Have you finished packing?" Alex asked.
"Yeah, I just need to add these things that we bought today," Lauren said.
"Ok, so are you excited?" Alex asked.
"Yeah, I'm very excited," Lauren said.
"Me too," Alex said.
"Can't wait to spend a week in Bora Bora with you," Lauren said.
"Me too! Well, I'm gonna go start packing," Alex said.
"Wow, are you serious?" Lauren asked.
"Uh yeah," Alex said.
"So you're asking me if I've packed when I should have asked you," Lauren said.
"Yup," Alex said.
"Ok," Lauren said.

(Alex finished packing and Lauren took care of some last minute things. Then 1 hour later they took an uber to the airport.)

(11 PM: The time of their flight.)

So Alex and I are boarding the plane, I'm so excited. I've never been to Bora Bora before and I'm really excited to be there.

"Are you ready for a 12-hour flight?" Alex asked.
"No, but I'm excited to arrive in Bora Bora," Lauren said.
"Ok," Alex said.

(12 hours later and Lauren and Alex arrived in Bora Bora at 8 A.M.)

"Lauren we're finally here!" Alex said.
"I know, we're here," Lauren said.
"Are you ready to get to our hotel?" Alex asked.
"Yeah let's go," Lauren said.

(Later, Lauren and Alex arrived at their hotel room.)

"Omg! This place is beautiful!" Lauren exclaimed.
"Yeah it really is, but not as beautiful as you," Alex said.
"Thanks, baby!" Lauren said.
"You're welcome," Alex said. (He then kissed her cheek.)
"Alright, let's unpack our stuff," Lauren said.
"Ok, and then afterwards we can go explore the resort," Alex suggested.
"Oh that's a good idea," Lauren said.
"Thanks, well I'm gonna unpack," Alex said.

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