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(10 years in the Future.)

Lauren's POV
So much has happened in the past 10 years. At this point, Addison and Riley are 11. They grow up so fast. I just wish they could stop growing for one second. Before I know it, they'll be going off to college.

Anyway, it's currently 7 A.M. and the kids have to be at school at 8. They better be awake.

(Lauren got out of bed and went to the restroom. Then a few minutes later she went to check on Riley.)

(Knocks on the door.)

"Come in," Riley called out. (Lauren then entered the room.)
"Riley!" Lauren said.
"Morning, mom," Riley said to her.
"Good morning to you too, sweetheart. How did you sleep?" Lauren asked her.
"I slept well, mom. How about you?" she asked.
"I did as well. Ok start getting ready, ok sweetie," Lauren said to her.
"Ok, mom," Riley replied. (Lauren stepped out of Riley's room and went to Addison's room.)

(Knocks on door)

"Addison!" Lauren called out. "Addison! Open up!"

Oh great. Usually, Riley is up first and then Addison sleeps in. Yup, just like his father. Speaking of Alex, he's still sound asleep in our room. Lazy ass.

(Lauren knocks again and nothing. So she just enters the room and she finds Addison completely knocked out.)

"Addison, wake up! Wake up, Addi! You have to go to school!" Lauren said to him.
"No! I don't wanna go!" Addison groaned.
"I know. School can be a pain in the ass, but you still have to go. So wake up, now!" Lauren said while shaking him.
"Mom! Can I please stay home today? Pretty please?" Addison begged.
"Nope! Get your ass out of bed! Now!" Lauren demanded.
"Oh c'mon! No fair!" Addison groaned.
"Addison, do you think my parents ever let me stay home if I didn't feel like going to school?" Lauren asked him.
"No," Addison answered.
"Exactly. Now get up! And start getting ready," Lauren told him.
"Fine!" Addison yelled in a low tone.
"Watch your attitude, boy," Lauren warned him.
"Sorry mom," Addison apologized.
"Its ok, but seriously get up," she told him.
"I am," Addison said while slowly getting out of bed.
"That's my boy. Now it's time to get the big boy out of bed," Lauren said.
"Dad?" Addison questioned.
"Who else? Of course, I'm talking about dad. He doesn't want to get out of bed, just like his son. I swear you guys are exactly the same," Lauren said while getting out of Addison's room.

(Lauren walked back to her room.)

Alright, the twins are out of bed. Now it's time to get my husband out of bed.

"Alex! Wake up! Wake up, baby!" Lauren told him.
"Mhm," Alex mumbled.
"Alex, I'm serious. Wake up!" Lauren tells him while hitting him with a pillow.
"5 more minutes," he pleaded.
"I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told our son, no. Get up, now!" she yelled.
"Lauren, I'm a grown man, I can sleep in if I want to," Alex said. Wrong answer, boy.
"Ok, so if you are a grown man, then how would you feel if your wife was mad at you for setting a bad example for your kids," Lauren said.
"Touché, alright I'm up," Alex said while getting up.
"That's what I thought," Lauren said to him. (She then kissed him.)
"Good morning to you too," he said. (Lauren smiled.)
"Good morning baby," she said.
"How did you sleep, beautiful?" Alex asked her.
"I slept good, how about you Alice?" Lauren asked.
"For the last time, it's Alex, not Alice," he told her.
"Alex we've been married for 14 years, you should know that I hear no difference. Your name is Alice Wachabi!" Lauren said to him.
"Alex Wassabi, but whatever. Are the kids awake?" he asked.
"Yup, Riley was already up, like always," Lauren replied.
"What about Addison?" he asked her.
"He was still asleep. I had to force him out of bed," she said.
"So basically me?" he asked.
"Pretty much. I swear he's the mini Alex," she told him.
"But is that a bad thing?" Alex asked.
"Sometimes," Lauren responded.
"Hey," he said in an annoyed tone.
"I'm kidding you, big baby," Lauren said to him and kissed him.
"I'm not a big baby," Alex pouted.
"Fine. But you're my baby, right?" she asked.
"Always," he reassured her while he intertwined their fingers.

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