Mission Accomplished

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"Your hands can heal," I sing, as I sway on my feet. "Your hands can bruise." I hold the cushion in front of my body, smiling to myself as I twirl around the lounge, humming. 

Ever since that night when I got through to Manik, I've been in such a great mood. Nothing's been able to bring me down. Yes, our relationship didn't undergo any major breakthrough. However, it's a start and considering my current situation, I'm ready to hold onto whatever flimsy thread he throws my way. 

Since that day I haven't been able to get Manik's voice out of my head either. Him singing those beautiful lyrics of the second song, which I now know is called Poison and Wine, will haunt my dreams for days to come.

The front door slams shut, the one telltale sign that Manik has returned after being out all day as usual. I glance over towards the clock. Two in the morning. As if coming home this late, everyday, is not abnormal whatsoever.

"The less I give the more I get back," I continue to sing, pirouetting around the coffee table. "I don't have a choice but I'd still choose you." 

"Where did you hear that song?" Manik snaps, stopping in front of the lounge door. I turn to face him, still humming.

"In a temple," I reply with a straight face. He furrows his eyebrows, pouting. Rolling my eyes, I let out a sigh. "Where does one hear songs, Manik? I must have heard it online, or on the radio. Maybe on tv. Who knows and who cares?" 

The Devil watches me as if I'm possessed. 

"No, it's just that...a lot of people haven't heard that song," he says. "So I thought it strange that you're singing it. And what's up with your mood?" 

"What mood?" I ask, turning around to fluff the cushions. I smile to myself, knowing fully well that Manik's referring to my overly happy state. Quite frankly, it's even odd to me. But the truth of the matter is, I feel as if a ton of weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and so how can I not be in a good mood? "I'm generally a happy-go-lucky person. You just don't notice me enough." 

I add a tinge of sadness to my tone, the smile never leaving my lips. 

"Whatever," Manik says dismissively, as I hear him walk off. "So first you take over my name, then my house and now my favorite song. Just stop already!" 

I turn around, confused at Manik's sudden outburst. But he's already gone again. Shaking my head, I make my way out of the lounge. I've decided to give up trying to figure Manik out and just go with the flow of his outbursts, moods, and actions. 

As I'm about to head upstairs my eyes land on the brown takeaway bag Manik brings home with him everyday. I've always been curious as to what it holds. I mean, what's so tasty in it that he chooses it over my delicious, homemade food? 

The Devil's not here, and so I see no reason as to why I shouldn't go and extinguish my inquisitiveness. Hurriedly, I step into the kitchen, picking the bag off the counter. I unroll the top of the bag, reaching my hand into it to pull out its contents. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" Manik exclaims, just as my hand wraps around something soft. Startled, I jump, the bag slipping out of my hold and landing onto the floor. It's as if the scene plays out in slow motion in front of me. 

I watch in dismay as the brown bag does a free fall towards the tiles, taking my heart with it. Just as the base of the bag makes contact with the floor, I hear a crack and out spills a curry-like liquid. It spreads its thin rivulets out across the floor, at the same time that it colors the bag red. 

Aiyappa, what have I done? 

"What a great fucking job!" Manik says, clapping. "Let's add this to the list of things you've ruined for me. There goes my food for tonight," he adds, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"I'm so sorry," I say, genuinely meaning it. "I-I'll just clean this up." 

"Leave. It." Manik orders through gritted teeth. "Just...Just get away from me." 

"But Manik, Sateesh is off duty. What're you going to have tonight?" I ask, truly concerned about the Devil's dinner arrangements. "And it's too late to order in." 

"I didn't have you to worry for me in the past and managed just fine. I think that tells me I'll be fine even now." 

I've made dinner for Manik as usual, but I bet he's not going to want to eat it. If only I could help somehow. 

"Go!" Manik yells, startling me once more. 

"Okay," I say hesitantly, as I make my way past him and out of the kitchen. 

Aiyappa, please arrange for Manik's dinner somehow. The man is so stubborn that I know he will starve tonight, but not even touch the food I've made.

As I'm about to head upstairs, I stop and turn back around. Let me try to somehow persuade Manik into eating what I've cooked. The task will be next to impossible, but admitting defeat before even trying is not an option. Nowadays his anger is ten times lower as well, so luck might just be in my favor. 

As I near the door of the kitchen, I halt in my tracks. My eyes land on Manik through the window in the door. He's searching for food, his head poking inside the fridge. The dinner I've made is neatly packed up in four boxes which are lying on the center shelf of the fridge. I watch as Manik's eyes land on them twice before moving away, as he searches for something else. 

Oh come on, just swallow your ego for once and satisfy your hunger. Aiyappa, please knock some sense into this man. 

Manik's gaze once again lands on the boxes, hesitancy clouding his orbs. Please. Please pick up the boxes. I won't even mention it tomorrow. Just eat something tonight. Sleeping hungry - with a growling stomach - is one of the worst feelings a human can undergo and I do not want Manik to endure that.

The Devil stands up straight, his right elbow resting on the top of the fridge door. He's staring at the boxes. In an action that's so swift I would've missed it had I blinked, Manik's left hand zooms into the fridge and grabs the top box, placing it on the counter behind him. 

This action almost makes me smile. I watch as he pulls out the second box. This causes the corners of my lips to tug upwards. Manik takes out the third box, causing a proper smile to spread its way across my face. Just as the Devil's fingers wrap around the sides of the last box, my smile turns into a full on grin. An ear splitting one. 

He's going to eat my food. Finally! Aiyappa, thank you, thank you, thank you. After days of being thrown uselessly into the dustbin, my food will finally be tasted by the Devil and hopefully appreciated too. 

I continue to watch from the outside - standing to the side - as Manik pops open the lids of the boxes. I don't think I'd be this nervous for a renowned chef to taste my food. Aiyappa, why does Manik cause such fluctuating, extreme emotions to erupt in me? 

The grin stays plastered across my face as I watch Manik take out a good serving onto a plate and warm it in the microwave. I ensure to keep myself well out of sight. God, I feel like a stalker. The things the Devil makes me do. 

While the food warms, I can still see flickers of hesitation shadow Manik's face, as he tries to bring himself to a decision. After what feels like a few hours, Manik takes the plate out of the microwave and places it on the breakfast counter. He stares at the food as if trying to figure out whether or not I've poisoned it. 

"Eat it already," I murmur, crossing my fingers behind my back. Manik digs a spoon into the food, my heartbeat increasing as he takes it towards his mouth. As soon as the spoon passes the gates of his lips, I turn around and make my way up the stairs. 

Who would've thought I had such joy riding on the mere basis of Manik eating dinner? 

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