Song Imagine 08: Don't Stop (Luke)

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Song Imagine 08: Don't Stop (Luke)

When you entered the club with your friends, most of the male population in there couldn’t take their eyes off you, as cliché as it may sound. Even Luke, the responsible and sensible one, succumbed to whatever you had going.

You and your friends partnered up and made your way to the dance floor, you moving to the beat with grace. Luke couldn’t look away even if he tried. He sucked in a breath and closed his eyes for a few moments.

Slowly, guys would approach you and try their luck to see if they could take you home with them. Of course you declined and stuck with your friends.

Luke saw that their conquests for you had failed, and wanted to see if he could change your mind.

When he approached, you both hit it off in a matter of minutes. You danced, had a few drinks, and generally had a good time together.

But when he asked for your number, you smirked and told him you didn’t have a phone. Luke was shocked. He’d been so close. But he had a few more tricks up his sleeve.

Hours would pass and he would always find ways to get you to be his. Of course, he had occasional slip-ups and tongue ties but that’s what drew you to him.

The both of you were going back and forth the entire night. Whenever he would push, you would pull. Anything he’d try on you, you’d counter. You wanted to see how far Luke would go.

Luke pretended to be pissed, but the both of you knew that deep down, his didn’t want to stop

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