Chapter Fourteen

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Maddie walks into the house with bags of food in her hands for Kai and sets them on the counter and starts to put everything away. Her thoughts were everywhere as she thought about Kai, things with him were great for a few days after they had kissed. He was constantly chasing her around and trying to kiss her, and then when she let him catch her he would shower her with compliments. However three days ago he grew distant and stopped talking to her altogether, the light in his eyes disappeared and he spent all day and most of the night away from her. What Maddie didn't know was that Kai was trying his very hardest to stay away because his urges were back and he didn't want to hurt her. He would leave the house every day and kill himself in order to give a few hours to hopefully come back to his normal self but it never worked. After he jumped off the roof of the grill and snapped his neck he awoke hours later as the sun was setting, all parts of the old him gone, the only thing on his mind was now death. Maddie hums to herself as she realizes the house seems weirdly quiet and she begins to wonder where Kai is like she did every day, she figured he was freaked out by their sudden change in the relationship and needed time to himself and respected that and kept her distance but she couldn't lie, she missed him, it's hard to be away from someone after spending basically every second of the past few months with them. Kai's presence was something she needed in order to keep her sanity and these days without him had been extremely hard. The door slamming signals his return and she smiles.

"kai?" she calls, just then he walks into the kitchen and leans against the wall crossing his arms, his eyes following her every movement as she continues to put the groceries away.

"hi" she says smiling at him happily, she was excited that he was finally showing himself rather than leaving before she could wake up. She missed his face as lame as that sounds.

"hello red" he says pulling out a wooden stake and examining it, she drops the bag of chips he requested last week on the floor and watches him fear bubbling up inside her as he smirks

"what are you doing?" she asks, rather than responding he stares at her as if she is his prey, her heart begins to beat faster as he makes his way over to the counter standing across from her, though she knew if something were to happen she could handle herself he was still extremely intimidating, he towers over her with a smirk across his lips, he slams the stake down onto the table in front of her. She gasps and backs up as he approaches her slowly and menacingly.

"well as you know I am a sociopath who happens to very much enjoy killing, and I've been trying so hard not to kill you because we are the only people here. Don't get me wrong I like you but I can't stop myself anymore. But trust me this is gonna hurt me more than you, I really don't want to do this but I can't stop" he says as if he's fighting himself.

"then don't, you're better than this" she says looking into his darkened eyes, he just smirks and approaches her holding the stake up and rushing at her, she gulps and vamp speed to the other side of the room not very quickly though because she hadn't fed in a while.

"hmm not so fast now are you? you haven't fed in a while so this should be easier than I thought", he runs at her but she is able to catch him and quickly throw him against the wall,  he grunts as fury bubbles inside of him, he recovers and runs at her again and she grabs his arm holding the stake and holds onto his neck with the other, trying to hold him back with her strength.

    "you're gonna have to kill me if you want me to stop" he growls, so she whimpers at the thought lets him go by shoving him across the room

    "this isn't you"

    "you're wrong"

    "Kai I don't want to do this" he rushes at her again and for a moment his eyes lighten back to their normal color

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