Chapter Thirty Three

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After several heated conversations between Maddie, Bonnie, Damon, Kai, Elena, and Ric they had finally come to an agreement on what the next steps are for the 1903 prison world where her mother was being imprisoned. They decided that a trip to the place would be alright if they just grabbed her and went home before disturbing anything. It had been a rough few nights for the couple as Kai was waking up at three am screaming as the same nightmare plagued him. The dream always started out nice, he was walking through the town square with Maddie holding her close as she points out little things and explains the history behind it, when he would start hearing a voice in the distance calling out to him, he would turn and search for the culprit however nobody stuck out, the voice would grow stronger and others would join. He tries to ignore them but they only scream louder as heat spreads through his body, once he reaches his breaking point he screams loudly and covers his ears trying to drown them out. This does the trick and he is left in complete silence, he removes his hands from his ears and his eyes find Maddie laying on the pavement with a large hole in her chest, he looks down and realizes that his hand was dripping with blood, he falls to his knees and cradles her body against his as he cries begging her to wake up. He would wake up dripping in sweat and stare at his girlfriend in horror as he had just killed her in his dream, she would calm him down and bring him back to bed. However, neither of them could sleep as they wondered why he was getting this dream over and over.

They all had decided to meet at the boarding house and of course, nothing could get done without Bonnie and Kai bickering while they set up for the spell, once they had finished she mouths 'are you ok?', he nods and carries on with the spell, Maddie was worried about him, the dream was really bothering him, and it was starting to steal sleep away. As Elena grabs her hand Bonnie and Kai start chanting the words to the spell and when she opens her eyes they are standing in the middle of a forest with snow falling on the ground softly. She smiles at the sight and drops Kai's hand lifting her own up so she can catch the snowflakes, Kai has the same thought and tilts his head back allowing himself to catch a few on his tongue and she smiles at his excitement.

    "you guys go ahead Kai and I will go find the ascendent," Bonnie says gaining her attention, she frowns wondering what Bonnie's  play is

    "Kai?" she asks raising her eyebrows, something told her that this wasn't a good idea

    "yeah that's fine just be careful" he says

"you too" she nods to him and turns around joining Damon and Elena i before turning and looking at Kai who has a smile on his face as she was clearly reluctant to leave him, it was cute how protective she was over him. The girl's hard face drops as she takes in Kai's smile, it was one of her favorite things about him, he knew it too. Whenever he wanted her to cheer up he would flash his killer smile and she would be putty in his hands. She hated the power he still had over her, but it made her feel better knowing that she held much power over him as well. The only reason he wanted to go with the witch was that he needed to let her know he was truly sorry. He had to get back on her good side because It was eating him alive.

"Go I'm fine" She nods and the trio begins their walk to find her mother. After walking for a few minutes they come across a small log cabin and walk right in looking around at the other vampires who are half desiccated. Her heart stops as she spots her mother sitting in a chair staring at a smoldering fire looking the exact same as she remembered her.

"hello mother" Damon says getting her attention as she looks up at her children wide-eyed


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