Chapter Thirty

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A few days later Maddie walks into Kai's apartment to find him sitting on the couch, he looks up and smiles at her brightly and she sends one back walking over to him, the closer she gets the more she realizes how sick he looks, his eyes have bags under them and his face is extremely pale, he also has a coat of sweat along his forehead. She sits next to him and he instantly moves over and lays his head on her chest wrapping his arms around her while her hands find his thick hair.

    "Are you not feeling good?" she asks

    "no I feel like I'm dying" he says burying his face deeper into her chest

    "well now is a perfect opportunity for me to take care of you like you're a little baby"

    "ughhh I don't know If I want that-" Kai cuts himself off by running to the bathroom and puking, she follows him in there and rub his back when he finally turns he has blood dripping down his chin and his face is extremely pale,


    "I need to get to Jo" he says

"Ok lets go" she says, Maddie helps him up and takes him to her car as she speeds all the way there. When they make it to Jo's she helps Kai out of the car and to the door. She knocks loudly several times as Kai is barely able to keep his head up, Ric answers the door staring at her with confusion before his eyes find Kai.

     "hey" Kai greets, Ric goes to shut the door but she stops it with her foot and sends him a pleading look

    "wait wait wait look I know you hate me but I really need to see my sister" Kai says

    "what are you doing here?" Jo asks trudging in from the bathroom looking like she had just been through hell.

    " I called to tell you I was sick but you hung up on me"

    "because I have food poisoning, did the sound of me vomiting on the other end not clue you in?" Jo asks angrily

"look there's an issue I've been worried about since the merge because we didn't really do it right you know the whole your not my twin ok close enough plan but it worked which is you know cool, and I'm even a little bit nice now in case you were wondering but I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop and I think it's dropped because I'm... where's the bathroom?" Kai asks, then Kai starts vomiting blood.

    "oh god Kai" Maddie says, grabbing the vase that was sitting on the porch and setting it in front of him, he pukes into it and wraps his arm around her shoulder again for support while she keeps him upright.

    "I don't think you have food poisoning I was supposed to merge my magic with you but I got Lukes Instead and now I'm defective," Kai says wiping his mouth

    " and I think that's why you're sick I kinda feel like I'm dying actually and If I die so do you, dad, liv, and the rest of our dumb coven so can you please fix me like now" Kai asks

    "Please I need to get to the church soon" she pleads, Jo sighs and nods at the girl understanding she needed to be there for her friend.


She was currently standing next to Ric as Jo gave Kai a check-up, both of them were nervous for the twins as their sickness seemed to be caused by magic, and it's not anything that can be fixed with treatment. Also, the fact that magic was a very touchy subject between the two was also not a positive, neither was Kai being in their presence. She was worried that she would refuse to help him due to her hatred for him. Seeing him in this state is the most heartbreaking thing she'd ever seen, Kai never let anyone see him as weak, he never showed any emotion and he never asked for help unless he absolutely needed it. This was all very scary for her, she hated seeing him like this without being able to do anything to help.

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