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Who likes cooking but hates doing the dishes afterward?

I made waffles and cut up some fruits for breakfast but now that we've eaten I'm left staring at the pile of dishes I've made in the process.

Why am I so messy?

I let out a big sigh and got to work by cleaning the table.

"What are you doing?" Damien asked, standing by the door. He had changed into his regular formal attire and was leaning toward the door frame.

"Biochemistry. What does it look like, Mr. Skylor? I'm doing, what we mortals call, the dishes. You see, if you take a minute to evaluate, you'll notice and ask yourself, "Hey, what happens to the plate, the fork, the utensils I used to eat?" And I will tell you..."

"Kiara..." Damien warned me.

"Okay, okay..." 

"You don't need to do the dishes. Ms. Mantini will be here in a few minutes. She deals with those types of stuff."

"Awh, I feel so bad. She probably hates it. I know I do."

He shrugged, "She gets paid for it."

I rolled my eyes, "Not everything," wiping my hands, I walked towards him, "is about money."

"Right. Well, if you can join me in the living room... We need to talk about a few things."

I love how he acts like he's giving me a choice.

"Yes, of course, sir." 

I followed him into the living room and watched him sit, waiting for whatever shit he was going to involve me in next.

"Are you planning on sitting?" He raised his eyebrow, looking at me questioningly.

"Oh, right!" I sat next to him, with enough proximity.

"Just basic things you may want to know about my family, you know for tonight..?"

"Oh my God, all this time I thought this whole thing was a nightmare. We are not doing this Damien. We may have passed the professional boundaries but we cannot be doing this type of shi-- things. First of all, I lied I can act like crazy but as an independent woman, I am choosing not to. I don't need to be a part of this scheme, Damien. I came here to do one thing only and that's to cook for you. What if... what if I meet your family and... ugh, nevermind. We are not doing this."

"Cut the act, Kiara. I know exactly why you came here. Now, do you want that restaurant or not?"

"One minute, you're this caring, funny man," I laughed lightly looking down," and the next you're threatening or judging me or your mom or I don't know, Lil' Joe, remember him?" 

Looking back up, I let out my second big sigh of the day, "Fine, I'll do it. This is literal peer pressure we were taught not to give into in middle school."

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