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Would I regret this? Probably. 

Why had I agreed to this? Well, I signed up for this. 

Not really. That's just what I'm telling myself. I want this restaurant. 

What could possibly happen? A lot. I'm just scared of being too clingy or getting too attached.  

"Kiara? Kiara, are you even listening?" 

"Yes, sorry. You were talking about your mom." I snapped back into reality.

"Yes, as I was saying, you've already met my mom. She's not a terrible person, she is just a bit more controlling than your average person. Her kids are the only thing that matter to her. My dad is not a person to open up real quick, but once he does he is very engaging and kind if he's home though. He is a very busy man..."

After a brief silence, he took a breath, "Wow, my jaw is actually tired from talking. How do you do it, Kiara?"

"Shut up, that is not even funny. I don't even talk that much. I just have a lot to say and a lot of people have told me they love to listen when---"

"Okay, yes, going back to the topic, I have 3 siblings, me being the second oldest. I have an older sister, Tamara, who is also never home. She's been to 70 countries multiple times. She's a big traveler. My younger brother, Tyler, is just your average guy. He loves sports. He's an air traffic controller but I don't know how he manages to keep the job, let alone getting the job. Then, there's Dana, my youngest sister. She is in the finance department. And even though she's our youngest, she is getting married this summer."

"Any friends...?" I asked and quickly added, "I mean, any I should know about or else I know you have friends. I mean, who wouldn't want to be around you, am I right?"

"I have a large group of associates but you don't need to know them. I don't have many friends. You only need to know about Dylan. He may even be there tonight because he is like family. You don't have to memorize all this. It's only for one night. We'll manage."

"We both know this isn't going to be only one night. This lie is going to drag us, snatch our weaves, beat our---" 

"Damien, who's your friend, honey?"

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