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Pairing: Swagger and Fitz
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Notes: I fucking suck at writing these. Plus it takes me forever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anyway, hope you enjoy because I didn't edit


Eric was sitting out side in the little garden area by the pool. Rolling him self a joint. Using a pasta noodle as a filter. Once he packed and sealed it, he picked it up and brought the joint towards his lips; lighting it with Matt's supreme lighter.

He took a long hit before blowing out the smoke up into the night sky. He did that a few more times and once he was done, he laid on his back and stared up to watch the stars. Using his fingers to find the little and big dipper.

The sliding door opened down by the pool, Eric just continued to look up; not really caring on who would come up here.

"What are you doing out here in the cold?" He sat up and turn around. Staring at the voice that startled him. Eric just started at him. "Are you stoned right now?" The kiwi asked.

He slowly nodded his head and held the smoked joint up to the taller lad.

Cameron raised his eyebrows as he saw the noodle. "Why the hell did you use a fucking noodle?"

"To show my Italian side some love." Eric said laughing.

"I mean your not wrong." Cam shook his head and threw the piece of paper back on the ground. He walked forward and sat next to the American.

Eric's could feel his eyelids becoming heavy. He wasn't tired, just the drug taking effect on his body. He scooted over more into Cam's personal bubble, and laid his head on the kiwis lap. Closing his eyes but opening them soon after closing them.

Cam just brought his hand up into Eric's soft brown hair, and played with it. Staring into Eric's eyes.

"I like you." The words left Eric's lips before he had a chance to stop himself. Cam didn't stop playing with his hair, but instead smiled.

"I like you too short stuff." Cam said moving Eric's body so they lay side by side.

"I'm not fucking short. You're just really tall. And you do? Like no joke?"

"Yes. Deadass, no joke. I really like you." They both laughed a little before going quite.

"Can we go lay down? Preferably in my room. On my bed." Eric said getting up. Cam following behind Eric, staring at his ass. "Stop staring ya creep." Eric says laughing a little.

"But you have a nice ass." He walks up to catch the shorter boy and slips a hand into his back pocket. Squeezing a little. Making Eric jump and gasp a little at the sudden movement.

Once they made it inside, they rush upstairs and into the room, both taking off their clothes till they're both left in boxers. Cam pulling Eric onto the bed with him. They're both laughing while they get comfortable.

Once they got under the covers cam pulled the smaller onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him closer.

Eric snuggled his body closer and shoves his head into Cam's neck. It didn't take long for them to fall asleep.

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