Big Baby (Erik Killmonger)

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For my day one _Simba__ and go check out her new oneshot anthology!
The trio turns their heads slowly turns to see who is typing so damn loud in the medium size lecture hall. The boy has Locs, bumps all over his skin, gold glasses, and is musucular.
"You think you can type any louder?" Lisimba asks, her brown eyes narrowing.
The boy turns and gives a smirk.
"I can. Would you like that?"
"No I wouldn't."
"Too bad."
Lisimba blinks and Queen (her name is actually Regina but everyone calls her Queen cause she's just like her grandmother who they also call Queen) sips her iced coffee.
"Long live that laptop," she says as Lisimba walks over to the boy and slams the laptop shut, her eyes staring him. He looks her up and down, licking his lips. Lisimba is curvy, her skin is mocha brown and her nails are currently in perfectly manicured coffin shape, painted an ombré silver and white.
"You don't have to type so fucking loud to let everyone know you have a fucking MacBook. Queen has a MacBook and do you see her typing like a neathederal?!"
"Who's Queen?"
"Hi. Hello," Queen says as she waves.
"Hey. Erik. Your friend is hot."
Lisimba growls and snatches the laptop as Queen sighs.
"Lisimba: put the laptop down. It doesn't deserve your rage."
Lisimba scolds as Erik stares st her.
"You could have it but I would want something in return."
Lisimba stares at him before gagging.
"Oh ew. I prefer my men not to be fuckbois."
"I'm not a fuckboi!"
"Sure and I'm the Queen Of England. Just stop typing so damn loud."
She drops the laptop back on the desk as she returns to her seat. Queen and Okoye shake their heads as the professor enters and class begins.
Lisimba curses under her breath. Queen has come down with flu and is stuck in bed while Okoye's girlfriend had an emergency and so she has to miss class. She sits, pouting as she goes to sit through this boring ass class without her friends. She hears the chair next to her creek and she looks over to see Erik sitting where Queen normally sits.
"Why are you sitting there?"
"Well good morning to you too."
"It's not a good morning."
"Well, I'm sorry about that."
Lisimba looks at him before turning away.
"So you not even going to talk to me?"
"Do I look like I want to talk to you?"
"C'mon," he says with a shit eating grin. "Be nice to me."
"I'm not in the mood Erik. Shut up or fuck off."
"Damn. Feisty. I like that."
Lisimba rolls her eyes as she begins to gather her things.
"Hey. Where are you going?"
"None of your business."
"I'm not your Shawty," she snaps as she walks out the class. Erik stares after her and curses as she leaves.
"So what happened?" Queen asks, sitting on the couch with Lisimba. Lisimba went to Whole Foods and Trader Joe's picking up things Queen needs such as Chicken Noodle Soup and Kombucha (she has no idea how her friend drinks that healthy shit) and fruits along with medicine.
"He was being annoying!"
"Because he sat in my seat--even though I wasn't coming--and called you feisty--which you are--and called you shawty?"
"Now, you know I hate asking this question but: are you PMSing?"
Lisimba slaps her in the face with the pillow pet she was hugging making Queen laugh.
"Hey! I'm sick!"
"Not sick enough to be sassing me!"
Queen giggles as Lisimba hits her a few more times before stopping as they both calm down.
"You may hate me for this but...I would fuck Erik."
"M'Baku would kill you and him."
"I never asked for the star defense football player to like me."
"Are you two even dating?"
"But he is attached to you like a lost puppy?"
"Ma'am: marry him."
"Lisimba what happened to being hoes?"
"I can be a hoe but you have a NFL superstar begging for your ass. Bag him sis. Prove the stereotype wrong: NFL players don't all date white women."
"You know I hate you right?"
"Nah, you love me and wouldn't have anyone else."
"True that."
A knock makes them look up and Lisimba walks to the door, opening it. It's M'Baku.
"Hey. She's on the couch. Queen! Your boyfriend is here!"
Queen glares daggers at Lisimba before smiling at M'Baku who walks over, holding a bag and kisses her forehead, placing it in her lap.
"Hey. I heard you were sick."
"I'm dying but sure: sick."
M'Baku chuckles before sitting next to her. She looks in the bag and smiles.
"A hoodie! I needed one!"
"Ma'am you have a whole shelf filled with hoodies and sweaters!"
"No one asked you."
Lisimba chuckles before she hears another knock.
"You throwing a party?"
"I don't know who that is because you know our friends just enter like they own the place. Don't even knock."
Lisimba opens the door and blinks at seeing Erik.
" did you..."
"M'Baku left something and asked me to bring it. I am his roommate."
He nods and Lisimba lets him in as he walks over to M'Baku and the two do a handshake and gives him what he left.
"Hey Queen. You feeling any better?"
"Still feel like shit but thanks for asking."
He nods before seeing that Queen is playing Mortal Kombat 11.
"You have Mortal Kombat 11?! How?!"
"My Dad works at the company so I always get early access to the games. You want to play?"
"Do I? Am I the star Basketball player?"
Queen chuckles as she points to where the second controller is and she adds him as they begin to start the game. Lisimba looks at Queen. She is really playing with her arch-nemesis!
"Girl...I know..."
"Did you just--M'Baku take her controller and play while I have a talk."
Queen groans as she's dragged away into the room.
"Lisimba," she whines. "I was playing!"
"You are playing with Erik!"
"I'm sorry," she says. "I'm not trying to befriend the enemy but in my defense he lives with M'Baku!"
"I know," she groans. "Why did he have to live with him?!"
"I don't know. Don't ask me! I don't work in housing! I work in admissions."
Lisimba glares at her and Queen smiles before Lisimba smiles, hugging her.
"You're going to get sick!"
"Then I get sick. Fuck it. I need a day off too."
She laughs as they go back to the living room, joining the two men again.
Queen is snoring softly and M'Baku gently picks her up, carrying her to bed. He doesn't come back out and Lisimba goes to check on them. She don't need M'Baku fucking her sick friend. She peeks into the room and sees M'Baku is hugging Queen, holding her close as she sleeps. He looks at her.
"Just making sure you ain't taking advantage of her."
"I would never," he says with a look of insult. "Damn, Lisimba I know you're protective and don't trust men but Jesus."
Lisimba flips him off before closing the door as she returns to the living room. Erik is watching something on the TV and Lisimba rolls her eyes as she begins to clean up. Erik notices and begins to help her, cleaning up.
"I liked hanging out with you today."
"We weren't hanging out."
"Then what did we do?"
"I spent time with Queen. You just invaded once you saw she has some game."
"There is really no getting on your nice side is there?"
Lisimba looks at him.
"Why you want to be on my nice side?"
"Cause you're sexy and hot. Why Wouldn't I want to be on your good side?"
"And there's your reason why. I'm just a piece of ass to you. I ain't looking to be someone's piece of ass especially not on this campus."
"So you want a boo?"
"Yeah but not you. Oh look, I got bars."
Erik chuckles as he puts the fruit in the fridge.
"So, I can't get on your nice side unless I want to be your boo?"
"You are not going to be my boo."
"Just give me a chance," Erik says, grabbing her hand. "I'll show I'm worth your time."
Lisimba stares at Erik.
"Fine. But you give me one red or yellow flag and I will punt your ass so far."
Erik smiles before kissing her cheek while pulling her close and squeezes her butt.
"I'll make it worth your while."
"You better. I hate having my time wasted."
Erik walks into the lecture hall, holding a container with a pink drink and a white paper bag. He places it before Lisimba and kisses her cheek.
"Good Morning Simba."
"Morning Erik."
"No Good."
"You ask me that every time I come into this boring ass lecture."
Queen. Okoye, and Erik chuckle. Queen is about 75% recovered from her flu and has returned to class. Okoye has dealt with Ayo and her emergency (turned out it was her period and Ayo wanted her to come see her: she is so spoiled but don't tell Okoye that.)
"Well, I hope you like it more since I'm here."
"Don't push it."
They chuckle as Erik rolls his eyes and kisses her forehead before sitting. He begins to start typing and feels daggers being glared at him. He looks back and sees Lisimba glaring at him.
"Sorry," he says before typing softer.
"Those damn MacBooks."
They laugh as the class continues.
Lisimba, Queen, Okoye, and Ayo are sitting on a blanket, having a picnic with wine and food, music playing softly as they talk.
"Hello Ladies," comes a voice and they turn to see T'Challa, Erik, M'Baku, Shuri, Bucky, and Peter walking over to them. They join them, spreading another blanket as they settle down. M'Baku kisses Queen's cheek as he sits behind her, Queen leaning on her. Ayo grabs her camera and takes a picture of them. She's going to school for International Security and Photography (don't judge her okay?). The picture comes out nice and she shows them.
"Send me that," M'Baku says. "I want to make that my background."
Queen blushes as her friends tease her about how lucky she is to have such a sweet boyfriend.
"Bother Lisimba and Erik!"
They look to see Erik is laying down, his head in her lap and he's playing with her hand. Ayo stands, taking a position to not block the sun as she takes a picture of the couple, glowing under the shinning sun. She shows them and Lisimba smiles. She won't lie: her and Erik look good.
"Send that to me."
"I'll send the dropbox after today."
"So you two are dating?" T'Challa asks, pulling Bucky's hair into a ponytail for him.
"Yeah. Something like that," Lisimba says. "Ow!"
Erik has poked her in the stomach.
"We are dating. Don't mind her: she likes to keep me hidden from the world."
"I know he did not--Get off of me."
They laugh as Erik hugs Lisimba, kissing her cheek as she tries to get him off of her.
"Well, would you two look at that? The two who said they wouldn't date who they are dating is dating," Shuri says with a smile.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Queen says making M'Baku chuckle as he hugs her, kissing her.
"Really Chieftess? You weren't saying that last--"
"Shut the fuck up before I roll you down this hill."
There are more laughs as M'Baku kisses her, holding her close.
"But no seriously," Peter says as he pulls Shuri into his lap. "how did you two end up with your partners? I know Queen couldn't stand M'Baku."
"Persistence," M'Baku says as Queen nods with a smile.
"This man wouldn't take no for an answer. But I think I truly didn't mind. I did say yes after all."
"And you Lisimba?" T'Challa asks, his arm around Bucky who is resting his head on his shoulder.
"I told Erik I would give him a chance but if he ever gave me any red or yellow flags I would punt his ass as far from me as possible."
"Seriously?" Ayo asks.
"Yup. I don't like my time wasted."
"No wonder Erik has been on his best behavior," T'Challa says. "Where were you two years ago?"
"What happened two years ago?"
"Yeah what happened?"
"T'Challa I will throw you off the cliff if you dare say anything," Erik says with a growl. Lisimba chuckles as she strokes his locs.
"There there leopard. Put the claws away."
Erik purrs as he kisses her hand.
"Anyway, enough love talk," Okoye says. "Let's play a game of catch or something. Tired of just sitting here."
They laugh as they get up, beginning to toss a football around.
Lisimba is sitting in Erik's bed, watching as he oils his face. He's in sweats and his locs are pulled into a ponytail. He walks over to the bed and climbs in, settling between her legs as he lays on her, hugging her.
"You are so touchy."
"Hey: a nigga likes to be laid up with his boo."
She chuckles as she kisses his forehead. He grabs one of her breast while laying there as she looks at her phone. Lisimba hears a soft snore and looks down to see Erik is sleeping, snoring softly as he hugs her. She takes a picture and sends it to Queen. She nearly laughs as she replies with her own picture of M'Baku cuddling her in the same position but watching Criminal Minds with her.
Queen: I swear Niggas are babies
Lisimba: Big ass babies
Queen: How the fuck did we end up with the biggest ones?
Lisimba: I have no idea. I think Erik beats out N'Jadaka.
Queen: Oh word? Did your nigga nearly throw a temper tantrum when you say that you wanted to sleep alone?
Lisimba: Ma'am I'm not even in my room now for saying that.
Queen sends three laughing emojis.
Queen: Erik wins.
Lisimba: I know my nigga does. MVP for biggest baby.
"Stop texting and sleep," Erik mumbles and Lisimba chuckles.
Lisimba: I gotta go: the baby woke up
Queen: Better give him a bottle. Night girl
Lisimba puts her phone on the charger as she hugs Erik, purring as he rubs her butt.
"I love you Lisimba."
She blinks as she looks at Erik. He's looking up at her with golden-brown eyes.
"I...I love you, too Erik."
He smiles as he kisses her softly before the two doze off.

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