Resent (M'Baku & T'Challa)

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Resentment is an ugly thing. It grows quietly and stealthily. It never teally hits until something minor sets it off. Sometimes the resentment is normal, like a sibling rivalry, but other times it's worse. Like the resentment Nushin has towards M'Baku. It started when they were young, the two befriending each other. Nushin developed a crush on M'Baku but he never noticed her. She was just his warrior friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. But Nushin wants to be more. More than just the warrior friend. More than just the friend he turns to when the other women break his heart.

Nushin watches as M'Baku paces in her living room. He is wringing his hands.

"Do you think she likes me?"

"I don't know."

"Come on Nushin. You are friends with her."

"I'm not friends with Koi."

"Nushin please—"

"Just ask her yourself!" She snaps, her resentment flairing it's ugly head.

"Woah," M'Baku says, stopping his pacing. "What's your problem?"

You're my problem! "My head hurts M'Baku and I'm PMSing. I'm sorry that I'm so snappy."

M'Baku stares at her as Nushin stands.

"I'm going to bed. Good Night M'Baku."

She walks off, leaving M'Baku staring after her.

What's her problem? He wonders as he leaves.
Nushin sits in her parents' house, playing with the tag of the teabag.

"What's bothering you Sweetheart?"

" do you get over someone? Someone who doesn't want you and never well?"

Her parents, Sade and Osi, stare at their daughter who looks and oozes depression.

"What happened?" Sade asks as she sits next to Nushin. She gently wipes a tear away with the soft wool sweater she wears.

"It's just...I have liked M'Baku since we were kids but he never noticed me...I'm just...I just want to get over these feelings."

"Maybe you need distance," Osi says. "Time away from him."

"But where?"

"The capital? Zuri is there."

Zuri and Osi are best friends, the former always trying to get the family to visit him.

"I you think..."

"Well, you need some time away from here cause it's changing you. We named you sweetness for a reason. Cause you're a sweetheart: even though you can beat someone with no question asked."

Nushin smiles at her as Sade kisses her forehead.

"We'll make the arrangements for you. In the meantime: pack your things and we'll move you to the capital."
"And there!" Sade says as she puts the last picture on the wall. Its of the family sitting in their garden, dressed in their best furs. Nushin smiles as she looks at her new home in the capital.

 Nushin smiles as she looks at her new home in the capital

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