Unconscious (Chris Evans)

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Chris listens as Robert talks about something that happened while on set, his mind beginning to wander. He rubs his hands on his thighs, unconsciously moving to rub his inner thigh, only catching himself when he realises that his hand has gone from his inner thigh to his crotch. He quickly acts like he's adjusting himself and not just mindlessly caressing himself. He's thankful for when he's asked a question so he can do something else with his hands. Like hold a mic.

The panel finishes and Chris walks off stage, talking with the cast and random people there. He spots his assistant and quickly makes a beeline to her, the woman calmly talking to a journalist who appears to be getting very pushy.

"I'm sorry miss but Mr. Evans doesn't do private interviews unless they are booked in advanced. You haven't made an appointment."

"How would you know?!" The woman snaps.

"I am his head assistant. I know everything that pertains to Mr. Evans. That includes interviews. Now, excuse me," she says, turning and grabbing Chris' hand, leading him back to his dressing room.

"What was that about?"

"Pushy journalist. I swear they think I'm just the help."

Chris chuckles as Regina "Queen" Taylor smiles at her boss and friend.

"The car will be here in 10. Catch your breath and chill."

Chris nods as he leans back in his chair, closing his eyes. He hears Regina moving quietly around the room and the door opens. She chuckles before the door closes. She brushes against him slightly and Chris catches a whiff of her perfume. It smells grown and dare he say "grown".

"What perfume are you wearing?"

"Black Opium by Yves Saint Laurent."

"It smells good."

"I hope it does. It costs $150 for a big bottle."

Chris chuckles. Regina's phone dings and she grabs the three bags.

"Come on Chris. Car is here."

He stands, frowning before taking two of the bags from her.


"You ain't winning this argument now let me carry them."

She sighs but smiles, leading him out the building as they get to the black SUV. The driver puts the bags in the trunk as they get inside, Regina sitting across from Chris. He closes his eyes as he rests his head against the glass.

"Home Miss Taylor?"

"Yes sir."

The driver pulls off as Chris dozes off, the soft music and the motion of the car putting him to sleep.
Chris jolts, hands flying. Regina dodges them as Chris quickly realises he nearly hit her.

"Regina! I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine. It's my fault for waking you like that but we are home. Dodger is ready to rip this door off the handles if you don't get out quick."

Chris laughs as he gets out, Regina exiting on the other side. Dodger jumps on him, jumping to try and reach his face to lick him. Regina chuckles as she walks inside, Chris and Dodger following.

"Well, my duty is done. I am going home."

"Aww. Already?"

"Yes Chris. I have been up since 4. It is now 6pm. I need my bed."

"You could nap here."

"Christopher Robert Evans. I am going home. You will survive without me for the rest of the day."

While We Wait (One Shot Anthology)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin