Not Alone (Erik Stevens)

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Erik Stevens, Ghost Squad, Assassin, Mercenary, big bad wolf is absolutely terrified of being alone. Not the thought of spending time alone. No he can handle that. He is scared of dying alone. Scared of waking up one day in his 60s, realising he has no one to share his life with.


He looks up to see his coworker Iniko leaning on the doorframe. Her hands are in her pockets and her waist length faux Locs are over her shoulder.


"You coming to dinner? The team is going to the nearby diner."

"I pass."

Her black eyes study him before she quietly turns, walking away. Erik is attracted to his teammate. She's a stunning beauty but Erik doesn't dare shoot his shot. He had seen a picture of her with some man  all dressed up. Must be her fiancé. Figures.

He walks out the room, making his way to the kitchen where he is greeted by Iniko who's cutting up onions.

"I thought—"

"I decided to stay behind. Pass me the garlic."

Erik opens the fridge, handing her the garlic.

"What are you making?"

"Oxtail. It's my comfort food whenever I'm feeling homesick."

"You're Caribbean?"

"Trini and Wakandan. Momma is from Saint Fernando. Pops is from Wakanda."

"My Dad is Wakandan."

"Really?" Iniko says raising an eyebrow as she takes a bowl from the fridge. Erik sees its seasoned oxtail. "What tribe?"


"So is my father."

Erik looks at Iniko who tests the oil before adding the oxtail to brown. The kitchen slowly begins to fill with the aroma of it.

"You have anyone at home waiting for you?"

"My home home or do you mean the countries I'm from?"


"Well, I have my pittie Anubis waiting for me. In Trinidad, I have my mother's family. In Wakanda, my father and my friends."

"No man?"

"No man. Or woman."

Erik stares at Iniko trying to see if she's lying.

"I assume you think the man in the picture on my dresser is my partner."


"T'Challa is a close friend. He has a girlfriend. Well, when I left he did."

Erik nods as he grabs a beer.

"When are you going back? Maybe I could go with you."

"End of July."

Erik nods.

"Could I..."

"Just have to tell me by the beginning of July so I can tell customs I'm bringing a guest who will be staying with me for my visit."

"How long are you staying?"

"Don't know yet. Gotta see how I feel."

She begins to add her ingredients to the oxtail, moving gracefully around the kitchen before she finally covers the pot. She grabs a Shandy from the fridge, popping the cover off as she takes a swig. She sits next to Erik, looking at her phone.

While We Wait (One Shot Anthology)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora