Alpha (Erik Stevens)

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Alternate Universe; Alpha/Omega themes; Dark themes ahead
Erik wakes up in a place he doesn't recognise, hands cuffed behind his back, and thankfully, still in his clothes from before. Erik has woken up in other situations like this in less than ideal clothes. The Japan mission is just one example of those less than ideal situations. He huffs, struggling to break free.

He tries to remember where he was before this. He was on a mission with Klaue and it was going well until an alarm was triggered. He remembers a man before the world went dark.

He hears a door opens and his head turns, seeing a tall, muscular man enter. Erik stares at him. He's a handsome man and if Erik ran into him at a club he would've gladly taken him home to fuck or be fucked by him. His umber brown skin seems to glow and his black eyes are smouldering. The door closes, taking away the light before a soft dim light appears at the perimeter of the room.

"You are beautiful."

Erik raises an eyebrow as the man chuckles.

"T'Challa wasn't joking when he said you are my type. I must thank him later."

Erik stiffens at the name of his cousin. He jumps as large, slightly callous hands rub down his leg. He snaps his legs shut and the man raises an eyebrow. He climbs onto the bed before forcing Erik's legs apart and settles between them. His pants are soft and thin, Erik feeling his monster length which appears to be tucked into the left leg of his pants. The man rubs against his butt, slowly as If showing Erik what was going to go in him.

Erik speaks against the gag, protesting as he struggles. The man reaches up, pulling the gag down.

"Stop!" Erik growls.

He obeys but doesn't move.

"What...what are you going to do to me? Where am I? Who are you?"

"Well, I want to knot you. You're in my quarters. My name is Kasim."

Erik stares at him.

"I'm an alpha. You can't knot me."

Kasim chuckles.

"Your scent and body begs to differ."

Erik swallows, panic forming in his stomach. His suppressants should still be working. He should smell like an alpha.

"When you were unconscious, the princess did a full flush of your system for any drugs or other toxins. She was very surprised to find out you were an alpha since you don't look like one."

Erik looks at him, wide eyed. He needs to get away. He can't stay.

No! His omega side yells. He is a strong alpha! He can protect you! He would give you strong cubs!

Erik begins to struggle. He doesn't want an alpha. He doesn't want protection and he most definitely doesn't want cubs.

"Please calm down N'Jadaka."

He stops struggling before looking at him with wide eyes.


"The Princess. She did a very in-depth background check on you."

Erik's heart stops. That means T'Challa knows. Knows they're cousins.

" this to punish me?"

"Punish?" Kasim says with confusion. "Why would this be punishment?"

"Cause I shouldn't exist. Or belong here."

"Says who?"

Erik swallows as he looks anywhere but Kasim. He closes his eyes and Kasim frowns as Erik begins to shake. He hears the faint sniffle and instantly the restraints are gone, strong arms hugging him. He sobs, partially due to these omega hormones hitting him with full force, partially due to the impending heat, and partially due to the fact Erik realising his plan to take the throne has failed. Kasim rubs his back, silently comforting the omega who is sobbing.

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