Prince of Mine (Erik Stevens)

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The gasp is the thing that pulls T'Challa and Nakia apart, both looking wide eye at Sakhmet who swallows the lump in her throat. She turns, the door slamming behind her as she walks down the stairs. T'Challa pulls his robe on as he chases after her.

"Sakhmet! Sakhmet! Wait! It's not what you think!"

Sakhmet stops in the living room, back to T'Challa as she looks at the ceiling.

"Not...what...I think?" she repeats slowly. "Not what I think?" She yells as she whirls around, grabbing the nearest item and chucks it at T'Challa's head. He barely ducks, the vase grazing the top of his hair as it slams into the wall before smashing into a thousand pieces.

"Not what I think?! You were in bed, naked with your ex but it's not what I think?!" Sakhmet screams. "I hate you! I hate you! You fucking piece of shit! You're just like all the other men! Just trash!" She takes deep breaths, anger surging through her. She can feel her other side ready to make an appearance and she swallows her anger before storming out the room, making the guards at the door, the servants walking around, and a few of the Dora jump. Sakhmet marches to one of the few places she could go when she is this angry: Shuri's lab.

Shuri jumps as a few of her scientist run past her.

"Wha--" She begins as she sees a few more scientist and technicians race over to the corner where they are all huddled together. "Why are you all hiding in the corner of my lab?!"

Shuri suddenly feels the murderous aura. She whirls around, seeing Sakhmet standing there with a black and burgundy aura around her. Her eyes are glowing gold and her hands are balled into fists.

"Sakhmet! What--Why is your aura out?! Is T'Challa okay?"

"Your brother is dead fucking man if I get my hands on him!" she growls, her voice two octaves deeper and raspier. Shuri shudders. She had seen Sakhmet go off the deep end once and that was scary but current Sakhmet is ten times scarier and at least a hundred times more terrifying.

"What did he do?" Shuri asks, caution in her tone as she asks a question that could result in her lab being destroyed by a very angry Queen-to-be.

"He was fucking his ex in our bed!" Sakhmet roars, her aura getting even darker and heavier. Shuri hears her team whimper in fright and she can't blame them at all. Shuri, the smartest woman in the world, is ready to shit her pants so what Sakhmet had just said didn't click until a few seconds later. Her mouth drops.

"He did what?!" Shuri cries, looking at Sakhmet with eyes as wide as teacup saucers.

"Don't make me say it again," Sakhmet growls as she sits, her aura lessening slightly. She begins to cry making the scientist and technicians look at each other in confusion. "Was I not good enough?"

"Oh, Sakhmet," Shuri says, a soft smile appearing on her face as she walks over to her, rubbing her back. "You were more than good: you were--no, are Amazing! I mean any man, woman, or non-binary person would be blessed to have you as their partner! My brother is..." Shuri sighs. "The men in this family aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the pack."

"Who you telling?"

She chuckles before a sadden aura comes over her.

"I'm...I'm leaving."

"Like the palace? Cause that is understandable."

"No...the country. Too many people know me as the Queen to be and I rather not deal with that shit."

" it safe to come out?" a young scientist asks, making Shuri and Sakhmet look at the still huddled group of scientist and technicians.

"Oh, yes," Sakhmet says, blushing as she rubs her neck in embarrassment. "I'm sorry about scaring you all," she says with a soft smile making them all relax. "I sometimes forget how scary I can be."

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