Dragons in Love (Raihan)

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Raihan fists his shorts as he sees one of his best trainers, Dante, hugging Piers. He kisses the man's forehead, pulling the former gym leader close before kissing Piers who blushes but kisses back. Raihan looks away, walking away abruptly, fighting back jealous tears. He wants Dante to touch him, hold him, and kiss him. Not Piers.

He walks to his house, entering it as he fights back tears. He slides down to the floor, sobbing as his heartbreaks. His Pokémon appear, trying to comfort him.🐉
No one has seen Raihan for a few days and the trainers elect Dante to go check on their leader.

Dante reaches the house and knocks, getting no reply.

"Raihan! Raihan? Hello?"

There is still no reply so Dante sighs, unlocking the door with his key. He enters, locking the door as he takes his shoes off. He walks deeper in and sees the living room is a mess and there are takeout containers in the kitchen.

"Raihan? Raihan?"

He hears shuffling before seeing Sandaconda come slithering out a room.

"Oh hey, Sanaconda. Where's Raihan?"

The snake hisses before looking back at the room it came out of. Dante walks to the room, pushing the door open to see it's the master bedroom. There's a lump on the bed. He walks in before hearing a sniffle.


The sniffles stop and Dante frowns. Raihan is under the blanket, mentally panicking. Why is Dante here?!


He feels a hand on his shoulder and he stiffens.

"Raihan I know you're awake. Come out."

Raihan sighs, sitting up as he pulls the blanket off. He looks at Dante who's looking at him with questioning black eyes.

"Hey, Dante!" Raihan chirps trying to pretend he was not just crying.

"Why are you crying?"

Raihan's smile falters.

"Did another girl break up with you?"

"Yeah...you could say that."

"You want to talk about it?"

Raihan fights the urge to snort. What's he supposed to say? I really like you Dante but you're with Piers so now I'm just crying my eyes out.

"No," he mumbles. "I'm fine."

Dante nods.

"Well, everyone at the gym is worried cause we haven't seen you in a few days."

"I'm fine. Just needed some days off."

Dante's eyes narrow.

"What's really bothering you?"


Dante stares.

"Fine. Well, if you're going to take the weekend off will you let us know so we don't have this happen again?"


Dante walks out, Raihan listening as he says goodbye to his Pokémon. He hears the door clip before he begins to cry again.
Raihan returns to work and begins avoiding Dante like the plague. Dante frowns. Raihan and he used to work the same shifts but now, Dante is working the late-night/graveyard. He doesn't mind but he wants to know why.

"Did...has Raihan said anything about me to you?"

Piers looks at Dante.

"Huh? No. Why?"

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