Gods & Sleepovers

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Part Two of Gods & Tea

Author's note: I'm not exactly following Greek mythology exactly. The Olympus family is composed of the 12 standard Gods and Goddesses of the Greek Pantheon.
Omisha enters the apartment she shares with her roommate, a woman named Tyra who is also a graduate student. Unlike Omisha who works with the general public, Tyra works as a secretary for some chief financial officer that she had forgotten the name of. He pays well and Omisha suspects the pay is so well because she's also a sugar baby but she doesn't judge: if that pays the bills then it pays the bills.

"Tyra? Tyra? Hello Teddy!"

The large pittie walks over to Omisha, nudging her hand as she pats his head. She hangs her jacket and bag up, tucking her shoes in the proper place on the shoe rack.

"You called for me?"

Omisha looks up and sees Tyra standing there with a glass of red wine in her hand.

"Rough day?"

"That's an understatement. You want a glass?"


Omisha stands, following Tyra to the kitchen. She sits on the black fabric barstool at the small kitchen island. Teddy lays quietly on the floor as Tyra sits next to Omisha, the roommates sipping their wine.

"You want to go first?" Tyra quietly asks, glancing over at her.

"Nah. My day was rough but not as rough as your's probably was. What rich, old, crusty White woman tried it this time?"

"His wife! That's who!" Tyra snaps.

"Who's wife?"

"My boss! She had the nerve to accuse me in front of the office of fucking him. I would never fuck my boss. I do not mix work with pleasure. It's a big no-no."

"She's just jealous she's not as pretty as you."

"That's the thing Mish. She's in her sixties but looks like she's in her thirties. Maybe early forties."

"You know old white women: jealous of any young woman in a hundred-mile radius."

Tyra huffs as she takes her jet black hair down from the ponytail she put it in today. Tyra is a pretty woman of Irish and Cuban descent. She has caramel skin, hazel eyes, with a slim yet toned shape. She looks and sounds exotic: she has a slight Irish accent. The number of times Tyra and Omisha have gone out with only twenty dollars in their pockets each and came back with the same twenty dollars but a full belly and tipsy is a testament of how pretty she is. All she has to do is bat her long lashes and the men lose their damn minds.

"I mean...but it was only her and I guess I shouldn't complain because I could look like you and work with the general public. Lord knows how many crude remarks and gestures you get working at that cafe where all the wealthy, elite, entitled New Yorkers go."

"Girl," Omisha murmurs as she sips her wine. "You don't even want to know. Speaking of: I got a proposition I probably should've rejected but I didn't cause I'm a dumbass."

"What kind of proposition?" Tyra asks, eyebrows furrowed and her eyes holding concern. "Do I have to go up there and cause a scene?"

"No," she replies with a giggle. "But...Hades Thanatos asked me to be his sugar baby. And I said yes."

Tyra slowly puts her raised glass down and looks at Omisha as if she just began speaking fluent Welsh.

"Come again?"

"Hades Thanatos," Omisha began slowly. "Asked me to be his sugar baby and I said yes."

Tyra blinks several times before knocking back her glass of wine, making Omisha squeak in surprise and Teddy to raise his head, tilting it as he looks at the two women sitting above him.

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