Gods & Tea

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Author's Note: This story was written for a creative writing class I am currently enrolled in. There will be a part two! Enjoy!

"I don't understand why you just don't dump that no good, lazy, deadbeat ni--negro and get you a real man! Mish! Don't you agree?"

"Do not involve me in this Becca. I am single," Omisha "Mish" Corvus replies as she puts the cup of tea along with the teapot and the small finger foods on the tray. She reads the tag for who the food is supposed to go to. "Thanatos...why is that name so familiar?" she mumbles as she walks back out front, putting her soft smile on as she makes her way to the table where Thanatos is.

"Excuse me sir but I have your order."

The man at the table looks up and blinks upon seeing who the waitress at his table. The black and white uniform hugs her in a way that shouldn't be allowed and her black eyes gleam from behind her round gold glasses.

"Oh. My apologies."

He quickly moves his papers from the other side of the table as Omisha places the items down on the table. The man observes her as she makes sure everything is neatly in place.

"Here's your English Breakfast tea along with the coffee crumb muffin, the mini apple pie, and the butter crackers. Is there anything else I can get you?"

"Your number."

Omisha stares at the man before taking her glasses off and cleans them. She puts them back on before moving a few of her braids behind her ear.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I said, I would like your number. Please?"

The man flashes a bright smile that Omisha can tell worked on several other women before. She chuckles before shaking her head.

"Oh honey, you are going to have to do better than that."

"I asked nicely those!"

Omisha chuckles, a smile remaining on her lips as she turns.

"Enjoy your tea and treats sir."

Omisha begins the walk back to the kitchen. She feels someone walking very close to her. She slowly turns her head to see her supervisor, Tiffany, next to her.

"How may I help you, Miss Black?"

"Do you know who you just served?"

"Should I?"

"That's Hades Thanatos."

Omisha slowly shakes her head, feigning cluelessness. Of course, Omisha knows who the hell Hades Thanatos is. Only someone living under a rock or off the grid wouldn't know who the hell Hades Thanatos or the powerful, shits money out their ass family he is from.

"Of the Olympus family."

Omisha looks back at the man and raises an eyebrow.

"Oh. Well, I didn't recognize him. Hopefully, I didn't offend him."

Tiffany stares at Omisha.

"Are you being a smartass?"

"Sorry but I have to get Mrs. St. Clair her tea before it gets cold. You know how she hates cold tea."

Omisha walks away, her smile staying on her face as one eye twitches. Is it 5 o'clock yet?

"Are you finish sir?"

Hades looks up at the pretty waitress and smiles.

"I am."

She smiles as she begins to collect the dirty dishes. Hades takes even more of the waitress' appearance in. Her skin is cinnamon brown and there's a beauty mark under her left eye. He notices a hole in her nose and raises an eyebrow, tilting his head. She must have a nose piercing. He wonders if she has tattoos.

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