The Bat & The Witch (Batman)

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The girl looks at her "mentor" before walking back to her room. She grabs her bag and packs it before disappearing, heading to her father's house.
Lex Luthor looks into the bedroom and smiles at seeing his daughter. Dhakiya Luther is 17 years old and has rich sepia skin with gold undertones, piercing black eyes that sit behind thin black round glasses, and her hair in a curly bob. He walks over, sitting on the windowsill next to her.
"What happened?"
"Just my mentor being a dick. How's Aunty Bee?"
"She's fine."
Lex nods as he kisses her forehead. She smiles at him.
"Well, I have a company dinner tonight. Would you like to come or are you staying?"
"Coming. I gotta let the world know I'm alive every once in a while."
Lex laughs as he kisses her forehead again before leaving her to get ready.
Lex and Dhakiya stepped out the limo, walking across the red carpet as they enter. They begin to mingle with their guests. Dhakiya went with a black floor length dress that hugs her curves. Dhakiya looks like her mother and Lex knows that when she gets older, she will be unstoppable.
She turns to see Richard and raises an eyebrow.
"Hello Dick."
"What are you doing here?"
"Same thing you are: supporting my father."
"For a smart boy you sure are a dense fuck."
He stares at her in shock as she turns away from him, walking over to her father. Lex smiles at her as he puts an arm around her shoulder and kisses her forehead. Dick stares in shock as Dhakiya joins the conversation, the group smiling at the young woman.
Dhakiya enters the compound and looks at the team staring her down.
"Is something wrong?"
"Your father is Lex Luthor!" Bart says.
Dhakiya raises an eyebrow before looking at Dick.
"Does that mean I am no longer welcomed?"
"We never said--"
Dhakiya turns, walking down the hall. She packs her things in her two large duffel bags before walking back out. She taps on the zeta tubes before leaving.
🍏Time Skip🍏
Dhakiya Luthor is now 21 years old and is a forensic psychologist and psychiatrist. She had left Young Justice and never looked back. In that time, she had cut her hair short and styled into a pixie cut. She had mastered her powers, making her black eyes turn a dark emerald green with specks of black in it. She still wears her glasses but it adds to her beauty.
Overall, however, Dhakiya has grown into a beautiful young woman. She has just walked into Starbucks, needing a break from the files in her office. She stands on line and wait patiently to reach the front. She reaches and smiles at the barista as she orders her drink before moving to the side.
She is looking at her phone when she hears her name called. Grabbing her drink and wishing the staff a good day she begins to walk back to the office. Dhakiya enters her office and sits, sipping from the straw.
"You can come from the shadows."
Batman and Nightwing emerge, looking at her. She walks over to her blinds, closing them as she motions for them to sit as she sits.
"How can I help you Batman and Nightwing."
"It's Dr. Luthor."
"You're rather young for a doctor," Nightwing says.
"Amazing how I worked with you for six months and you still haven't realized I am a genius. Anyway, What can I do for you Batman?"
"What can you tell me about Kobra?"
"Do you want a professional opinion or the daughter of a villain opinion?"
"Professionally: the man suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. He considers himself a God and if that doesn't give you an idea just how far off the deep end he is, than I don't know what to tell you."
"Villain opinion?" Batman asks.
"A pain in my ass and my father's ass," she says with a snort. "He is not easy to work with."
She sips her drink as she looks at them.
"Looking for him?"
Batman nods.
"Lucky for you: he pissed me the fuck off last time we met. I'll help you."
She stands before tossing Batman what looks like a pager.
"It's a tracker. The last time I saw him, I injected a tracker in him. As of last night, it's working."
He looks at it before seeing it moving. He looks up at her.
"We'll be in touch."
Batman nods as they walk to the window.
"By the way, I read your interview in the magazine. It was very good."
She smiles at Batman and winks making Nightwing stare.
"Thank you. Have a good day boys."
They leave and reach the bat mobile.
"Did...Did she wink at you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Dhakiya looks at her father who is reading the newspaper.
"Batman came to see me."
"Did he now?" Lex asks as he looks up at her.
"Yes. Asking about Kobra. Lucky for him, he asked me about a man I could care less about."
Lex chuckles as Dhakiya looks at her phone. She is in black shorts and a sports bra, her sleeping attire.
"Uncle Vandal asked when you were going to join us."
"Didn't realize I need to join. Thought it was automatic."
He chuckles as she smiles at him.
"Anyway," she says as she makes an orb appear in her hand. "What is this about auctions?"
Batman and the team are standing on the roof.
"What is taking this informant so long?" Superboy asks.
"Patience is a virtue my dear brother," comes a new voice and they turn to see the woman. She's in a black long sleeve leotard with black fitted chap boots, the belt sitting on her waist. The bottom half of her face is covered and her emerald eyes gleam.
"Who are you?" Batgirl asks.
"Names don't matter. Anyway, Batman."
"He is down there."
Dhakiya nods as she walks to the edge and jumps down, walking ahead.
He turns and smiles at her.
She puts a finger to her lips and he grins, his tongue shooting out as she smiles at him, walking ahead.
"It's good to see you again. I thought I had run you away."
"No one runs me away. Now, what is this about a jewel? My...children keep telling me about it."
"Answer my question Kobra."
"You are very pushy woman."
She smirks before walking around him. Suddenly she delivers a roundhouse kick to his face as she flips away, her hand glowing as she grabs him by the neck, holding him.
"I have no patience Kobra. Whatever you're up to brought Batman to my door and if there is one thing I hate, it's people I don't send for coming to me."
She drops him as he coughs.
"Now tell me about this jewel before I show you what a god can do."
Kobra laughs before going to strike but is held in place.
"Fine. Be difficult."
Kobra screams as she presses a black finger to his forehead before he passes out. He falls to the floor and she sends the members of his cult flying back as she walks.
He jumps down, following after her into the warehouse. She walks to a black chest and opens it, revealing the gleaming black jewel. She picks it up as she looks at it.
"Is it legit?" Batman asks.
"I don't know. How about you tell me?"
Her hands begin to glow as her powers begin to circle the jewel before it glows white and she flies back. Batman catches her as she groans, her emerald eyes looking up at him. One eye is emerald green now and the other is black.
She groans as she pushes herself to her feet.
"I need to go..." She mumbles. "Before..." She grabs her head as she gives a scream of agony. She stumbles outside and hits something on her neck as she falls to her knees. Batman rushes to her but she disappears.
The trio jumps as Dhakiya appears in the living room, panting and her powers swirling around her. She screams in agony before passing out, her father catching her. Lex touches her face and find she is cool to his touch.
"Is she dead?" Bee asks.
"No...She's just cold..."
"Get her to the infirmary," Vandal says and Lex carries his daughter to the infirmary. They watch as the doctors and nurses swarm around her until they are suddenly thrown back. Dhakiya sits up, eyes glowing as she stands. Her clothes have changed, almost looking like they are drawn onto her. She is in an ink black corset leotard with matching thigh high boots and cape. Her hair is a matching in color. She looks at her father and her aunt and uncle.
Lex stares at her.
"Yes father?"
He walks closer, he cups her face as she returns to normal clothes. She takes a deep breath.
"I'm fine...I think."
"What happened?"
"I used my powers on that jewel Kobra had. I have no idea what it did but I know it combined with my powers. How? I don't know."
"Are you okay?"
"I don't know!" She snaps before tears well in her eyes as Lex hugs her. "I don't know Daddy..."
He kisses her forehead as he soothes her.
Batman is surprised to see Lex Luthor at his usual perch.
"Luthor. How can I help you?"
"What did you do to my daughter? She helps you one time and she comes back in pain and hurt. What did you do?"
"I don't know. We got the Jewel and I asked her if it was a legit artifact and she said she would see. I don't think even she expected that reaction."
"What was that jewel suppose to do?"
"Cause the end of the world. Allegedly."
Lex looks at Batman before looking over the edge of the building.
"How is she?" Batman asks quietly.
"She's recovering. Been working from home and when I say home, I mean my home."
Batman nods as he stands next to Lex.
"I am sorry I put your daughter in the way of harm. I didn't plan on it but--"
"She took the lead. I figured," He says with a chuckle. "It is in her nature. She may be quiet and analytical but she will take the first leap. I think that's her mother's side: willing to take harm for others." Lex sighs as he turns and walks away.
Batman looks up at seeing Dhakiya who blocks a beam of magic headed their way. He gives a rare smile as she walks over to them, a black scepter with a black jewel in a skull's mouth at the top. She stands next to Batman as she waves her hand, blocking a hit.
"Fighting wizards without me?" She says with a smirk as Batman looks at her.
She chuckles before going serious as she murmurs something as she hits her scepter to the floor, making black tendrils of power to shoot out towards the wizard.
"You think you can--"
The man is bound and dropped to the floor as Dhakiya kicks him over to the other members of the justice league.
"He's all yours."
She turns back to Batman.
"Now, what was this about us needing to talk?"
Batman and Dhakiya are seated in the botanical garden, shielded away by Dhakiya's powers. They are swinging on the hanging chair and talking quietly.
"I can't promise to help cause you know my loyalty to my father but...I will when I can."
Batman nods as they look over the pond.
"I understand."
She looks at him.
"Why me?"
He looks at her.
"Why you?"
"You could've asked any psychologists for help. why ask Lex Luthor's daughter?"
He is silent before looking at her.
"Maybe I wanted to see the woman Nightwing kept talking about."
She chuckles as she moves closer.
"I don't believe you."
Batman licks his lips before leaning forward, kissing Dhakiya who kisses back. She smiles as she cleans his lips of her black lipstick.
"Good thing I like older men," she murmurs making him chuckles as she kisses him again.
"I gotta go Bat boy."
Batman nods as he steals one last kiss and she disappears. Batman smiles as he heads back to the Justice League.

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