Make It Work (Erik Stevens & T'Challa)

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Mansa enters the duplex and is immediately greeted by Erik "Killmonger" Stevens, a leopard neko or cat-person depending on who you ask. He stares at him before noticing the slight twitch of his ear and he sighs, opening his arms as Erik flings himself into them.

"What happened?" Mansa murmured into his printed ear as he kisses his temple.

"Assholes...mean people..."

"You went outside?"

Erik nods. The leopard comes across as arrogant and cocky but really it's just a cover. His last owner was abusive, scarring the poor leopard both mentally, emotionally, and physically. When Mansa had first met Erik, he had snapped at the vet/doctor, attempting to bite him. While his staff panicked and tried to subdue Erik, who only fought back, Mansa was calm. He pulled Erik from the three staff members, cradling the leopard as he rubbed the nape of his neck before sitting him down on the examination table. Erik calmed down immediately, leaning into Mansa who held him, talking him through every step of the appointment. It was how he learned of the abuse and eventually brought Erik off his owner.

Erik is fearful, jumpy, and an anxious leopard. He doesn't let anyone know that though, masking the fear with anger, loud outbursts, and a scowl on his face when out in public. Of course, with Mansa he lets his guard down and shows his full range of emotions because he knows Mansa won't hurt or exploit him.

"I told you when I came home I would take you out."

"I know but..." Erik plays with his tail as he looks down, ears pressed against his skull. "But...I wanted to surprise you."

"Surprise me?" Mansa parrots, raising his eyebrow.

Erik nods before pulling Mansa to the kitchen. On the island are brownies and chocolate chip cookies. Mansa smiles as he takes a cookie. The sweet gooey cookie is still warm but delicious and Mansa finishes it before eating a second. He looks over at Erik who is looking at him, searching for some sign of approval.

"They're delicious Erik," Mansa says after swallow his bite. The leopard grins, hugging him.

"We didn't have any chocolate chips so I had to go outside."

"You could've just postmated it."

"It was too expensive."

Mansa stares at Erik who plays with his tail. The leopard is still reluctant after all these months to spend money that he either didn't earn or was given. Mansa kisses his temple before kissing his ears. He grabs another cookie.

"Let's order some take out and just call it a night."

Erik nods as Mansa begins to order them dinner.
Erik blinks at seeing the man that accompanies Mansa. He peaks from stairs as Mansa chuckles at something said. The unknown man is a little shorter than Mansa and has black hair with a neat goatee and beard. He seems refined and regal, almost royal like.

"You said you have a neko?"

"Ah. Yes. His name is Erik. I'm sure he already knows we're here but he isn't fond of strangers. Make yourself at home while I check on him."

The man nods as Mansa makes his way for the stairs. He notices Erik, hidden on the stairs, looking between them.

"Hello Erik."


"Do you want to come downstairs?"

Erik shakes his head no.

"Are you sure? I have a guest and I don't want you spend all evening hidden or in hiding."

Erik nods.

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