Seasons (T'Challa)

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Part Two of "Pray For Me"

"Doctor Chiwa?"

"Yes, Hasim?"

"The King is here. He is in the waiting room."

"I do not wish to see him."

"Yes, Doctor Chiwa. Are you okay?"

Persefoni pauses what she's doing before she begins to shake. Hasim notices and quickly walks over, hugging the silently crying woman.

"I will tell the King you are unavailable and call in Doctor Wamai to take over the rest of your shift."

She nods as he wipes her tears before leaving the office. He makes his way back to the sleek yet cosy waiting room.

"My King?"

T'Challa stands.

"Doctor Chiwa is unavailable right now. Doctor Wamai will be taking over the rest of her shift. Do you need anything I can possibly handle?"

"Why is she unavailable?"

Both men look up at hearing the doors open to reveal Persefoni.

"Doctor Chiwa--"

"Doctor Wamai will be here in ten minutes Mr. Odon. A body from the hospital is supposed to be arriving in fifteen minutes, a possible poisoning but they aren't sure, it's suspicious. Prep the body for Doctor Wamai. Detective Limbo is supposed to be coming this afternoon for some files. They are in the burgundy basket on the left of my desk with his name. If he has any questions, he has my number."

"Yes, Doctor Chiwa. Have a good evening and get some rest."

"I will try."

She walks away, ignoring T'Challa who follows her. She reaches her black SUV which she unlocks with her key.

"Doctor Chiwa. Doctor Chiwa. Persefoni."

She stops at her door, not looking back as she takes a deep breath.

"What My King?" she grinds out, eyes closed.

"I wish to speak with you."

"Why? So you can tell me that I am inhumane? A monster? I have no desire to hear any more of it and if I wanted to, I would've gone to W'Kabi for that."

"I do not think you are a monster."

"I hate liars my king and you are a terrible liar."

Persefoni gets into her car, closing the door. T'Challa gets into the passenger seat.

"Get out."

"I do not want you thinking that I think you are a monster."

"It is too late for that. Please leave."

"Not until we talk."

"There is no need for talking. I know my place. Please, leave."

T'Challa notices her knuckles whitening as she grips her steering wheel.

"Good Evening Persefoni."

He exits the car as she speeds off.

T'Challa is awakened by a knock on his door. He walks over, opening it to reveal Okoye.

"Okoye...what? It's 1 am."

"Doctor Chiwa is currently being held hostage in her home. The police chief asked me to inform you."

T'Challa's eyes widen.

"I will be there in 10 minutes."

Okoye nods as T'Challa quickly goes to dress.

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