Chosen (M'Baku)

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I'm not dead!
🧊 👑
M'Baku sighs as he looks at the women in the tribe who are competing for his hand. He notices a woman to the side, standing next behind the high priest and his family. She has warm brown skin that glows in the shining sun with dark eyes that watch the antics calmly. Her curvy body is covered by a long sleeve grey dress that has a slit that goes up to her thigh. She wears an equally high heeled boot in black. Her Locs are cut short into a bob and he sees a tattoo on her neck when she brushes a loc out of her face. He stands, making the noise stop and everyone looks at him. He leaves the platform his seat is on, walking towards the woman.

The high priest stands, bowing before M'Baku.

"Great gorilla. Has my daughter caught your eye?"

"Who? Mansa? No. Your other daughter has however."

He frowns and follows M'Baku's line of sight. His frown deepens.

"Kendi? She is not worthy of the title of Chieftess."

"Says who?" M'Baku asks, looking down at the shorter man. "Isn't it my decision who shall be Chieftess?"

He swallows, nodding as he bows.

"My apologies. Kendi!"

The woman looks at her father before looking at M'Baku.

"My father is right great gorilla," She softly says. "My older sisters would be better wives."

"I don't want a wife," M'Baku grunts. "If I wanted a wife I would be married already. I want a Chieftess. Someone who is my equal."

"And how do you know that is me?"

"I don't but I am drawn to you."

She shakes her head, clasping her hands behind her back as she looks away. M'Baku frowns as he walks closer, grasping one of her hands. She looks up at him and M'Baku feels his heart flutter. She is even prettier up close.

"I am M'Baku, Chief of the Jabari."

"Kendi, third eldest daughter of High Priest Dakari."

"I desire you to participate in the battles."

Kendi looks at M'Baku before sighing as she nods.


She steps into the area, thanking one of the warriors for a staff, twirling it in her hand before looking at the woman staring at her. One screams, charging. Kendi swipes her legs from under her as she blocks another woman. M'Baku watches as she fights, knocking or subduing the woman. It is just Kendi and her sister Mansa.

"You cannot have him."

"I never asked for him."

Mansa growls as she lunges, Kendi calmly sidestepping her as she slams her staff into her stomach. Mansa groans, using the staff to push herself up. Kendi stands calmly to the side. M'Baku watches, his heart beating hard at seeing Kendi fight. He hasn't felt the desire to bed a woman this badly than in this moment. He leans forward, watching as the two sisters look at each other.

"You cannot have him!"

Kendi rolls her eyes, throwing her staff down.

"Then have him."

Kendi turns, walking out the area. Mansa smiles as M'Baku frowns. He stands, Mansa turning with a bright smile.

"Great Gorilla I am—"

M'Baku walks pass her as he follows after Kendi. The villagers part for him as M'Baku catches up to Kendi who has reached the temple. He follows her inside, the doors closing behind him as she turns to look at him.

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