Concussion (M'Baku)

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"You look like crap."

"Gee Thanks," Kendi mumbles as he brushes past his roommate, making his way to the hallway that would take him to his bedroom. "Good Evening to you too."

"Don't be mad at me for stating the obvious."

"M'Baku I'm really not in the mood for your smart remarks. I just want to go to relax."

M'Baku leans on the white wall, seeing the tiredness that is etched into Kendi's entire aura. His usually calm face looks sad as if he is just ready to cry or just collapse. M'Baku frowns as Kendi sighs, disappearing down the hall. Kendi enters his room and collapses into bed. The door squeaks quietly, signalling someone entering his room but he doesn't even have the energy to look up to see who it is even though he knows who it is.

"M'Baku I told you--"

"I'm not here to be annoying. I'm going to draw you a bath. Vanilla or lavender?"

"I don't even care."

"So vanilla it is."

Kendi closes his eyes as he listens to M'Baku move around his room and bathroom. The pipes rumble as water comes running, the soft sound of collecting water in the tub following as it reaches its destination. He hears the fizzing of what he assumes is a bath bomb. God, he is so gay. Why does he have a bath bomb?

"Alright, clothes off."

Kendi doesn't move, eyes closed as he hears M'Baku click his tongue before he feels his hands on him. M'Baku's hands are surprisingly graceful as he unbuttons the buttons on his cotton shirt.

"You're really muscular. And soft."

Slowly, Black eyes reveal themselves to brown eyes that stare back. M'Baku watches as a pink tongue darts out, licking the plump lips of it's owner.

"The tub is going to overflow."


M'Baku scrambles off of Kendi as he goes to check on the bathroom. Kendi sighs as he sits up, shimmying out of his shirt. He pulls off his wifebeater as he shakes his head, releasing his locs from the neat bun they were in. M'Baku walks back into the bedroom and stops dead in his track. Kendi is huge.

"You okay?"

"Y-Yeah. Sorry. The Bath is ready."

"Thanks. Can we order Indian or is it too late?"

"I think it's too late. Do you want to just get like Thai?"

"Sure. Chicken Pad Thai, Yum Nur, and Thai Iced Coffee. Just charge my card."

M'Baku nods as he leaves Kendi to relax and go order food.
"You okay?"

Kendi slowly opens his eyes and looks over to see M'Baku standing by the door.


"Well, the food is here. I put yours in the microwave since I didn't know how long you were going to stay in the bathroom."

"I'm about to get out. I'm getting itchy anyway."

M'Baku chuckles as Kendi stands. His chuckle is caught in his throat because there is no reason why Kendi is out here looking like a Greek God. His warm cinnamon brown skin glistens under the water and soap suds that run down his body. He has a nice perky butt and M'Baku drools as it jiggles as he steps out.

"You're staring."

M'Baku's eyes instantly snap up to look at Kendi.

"I wasn't!"

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