Sweet Love (Tessa Thompson)

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"You're always on my dick," Victoria says as she looks at Michael. The group consists of Chadwick, Winston, Michael, Daniel, Danai, Lupita, Steelo, Florian, Tessa, Letitia, and Andy sitting, talking, drinking, and eating.

Chadwick had suggested that the group talk to one another, airing out any bad blood or just be honest.

"Excuse me?" Michael says. "How? If anything you stay on mine."

"Cause that's my job as your fucking assistant," she says, face still blank, tone even. "It's not your job to stay on mine though."

The group is quiet and Letitia looks between the two, comically sipping her drink.

"What has Michael done?" Chadwick asks, stepping in as the wise older dad.

"Let's see: when I told him I got into my PhD program he laughed in my face when I said I was studying Women and Gender studied along with African-American studies. Then when I cut my hair I heard all the same sexist bullshit from him that I heard from strangers. Oh, when I said I was Queer he mocked that. Not to mention he stay stalking my social media and days off aren't really days off when he seems to show up everywhere I go. Should I go on?"

Everyone stares at Michael who glares at Victoria.

"Oh and let's not forget you outing me to my fucking family and pretty much getting me disowned."

Victoria sips her wine.

"Matter of fact. Fuck this," she says, her face finally changing from calm to an angry calm.  "I quit."

She tosses a black phone down as she grabs her bag and coat.

"Call yourself an Uber and get home on your own. I'll pick my shit up tomorrow."

She walks off, leaving the group in stunned silence.

"Michael...you are an asshole," Tessa finally says as she follows after Victoria.


She looks up, rolling her window down as she looks at Tessa.

"You shouldn't drive. You've been drinking."

Victoria stares at her before turning the car off and gets out.


She sits on the hood as Tessa joins her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know Michael..."

"It's fine Tessa. I don't have a lot of friends and no family at this point."

Tessa looks down as she takes her hand.

"I can be your friend."

Victoria looks at Tessa with her piercing black eyes and Tessa feels her heart skip a beat. Tessa May have a small crush on Victoria. Her hair is in a short pixie cut, dyed white and always perfectly styled. Even the bed hair is perfect on her. Her black eyes sit behind round black glasses but always seem to twinkle with intelligence and a look of her knowing something that no one else does. She rarely smiles but when she does: it's breathtaking. And it all sits on perfectly brown skin that looks like the sun has kissed her.


Tessa kisses her and she kisses back. Tessa tastes the sweetness of the wine she had drank and moans at feeling Victoria grab her butt. They break apart and Victoria kisses her neck.

"Come be my assistant," Tessa murmurs. "I pay well and I'll be a good boss."

"Hmm," Victoria purrs. "A good boss?"

"Yes...and lover...if you'll have me as that..."

Victoria smiles making Tessa's heart skip a beat.

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