Apple of My Eye (Chris Evans)

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Alpha/Omega/Beta Universe Ahead
Chris swallows the jealousy bubbling in his throat as Anthony smiles at the younger alpha who is his assistant. He knows it's irrational but Michael wants his assistant all to himself. It's also very irrational cause Anthony is happily mated to Sebastian Stan (which was surprising to everyone but the fanboys and fangirls).


The alpha looks up and smiles at the omega, Chris' heart fluttering at being the one to receive that smile now. He walks over, smiling at his boss and friend.

"Yes Chris?"

"Can you go to the cafe and get me a coffee? Sorry to give you such a menial task but I have this script to review."

"No it's okay! I'm your assistant after all!"

And my alpha, his omega side purrs and he mentally nods in agreement.

Javor walks off, Chris glaring at Anthony who simply puts his hands up.

"Easy there. I don't want him. Promise!"

Chris looks away, blushing as Anthony pats his shoulder.

"You should tell him. You're not going to have him forever."

Chris nods as Anthony walks away.
"Where is Chris?" The director asks making everyone look at Javor.

"I'm not sure. When I text him this morning he said he was on his way. I'll run to his place."

Javor grabs his car keys as he walks off, getting into his black SUV and pulls off. The drive is quick (mainly because Javor ignores the speed limits) and he parks in front of the cosy cottage Chris is renting for his stay while filming. He walks to the door and knocks. He gets no reply so he lets himself in.

"Chris? Chris? Chris!"

The house smells like the older omega which is not surprising but something is telling Javor to turn around and leave. It was his common sense. However, it was quickly overpowered by his alpha side that said to investigate. There is something more to the usual scent of Chris. He normally smells like fresh rain and the forest. Now, there's something...smokier. Like the forest he smells like caught on fire.

He locks the door, walking further into the house. He hears soft whimpers as he approaches the bedroom followed by something he never thought he would hear.


Javor nearly stumbles but catches himself as he gets right outside the bedroom door. The smell is overpowering even through the closed door. He hears the soft moans and pleas of "alpha!" and "knot please!"

Go in there! His alpha side yells, he's calling for you!

Javor really can't argue with that so he takes a deep breath and turns the bedroom's doorknob.
Chris looks up at hearing the bedroom door open and blinks. His lust clears up enough for him to see Javor, the alpha he was just moaning for, staring at him. He feels his face heat up as he quickly sits up, whimpering as the toy in him goes deeper.


The younger alpha's eyes darken and Chris can smell the lust coming off of him. He whimpers as he rolls over, presenting his stuffed hole to him.

"Alpha?" He whispers.

Chris sees the self-control in Javor snap and the alpha is across the room in an instant. Chris whimpers as he feels his presence behind him. Javor's hands are large and slightly rough, grasping his cheeks as he's spread.

"You ride this toy wishing it was me?" Javor asks, voice rough and deeper.

Chris nods.


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