Can't Stand You (Aizen)

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This is a full throwback to my Anime obsessed days I used 😂 I used to loveeeeeeeee Bleach and Aizen was one of my favourite characters so here you go!
Aizen cannot stand Virtu. His third seat seems to see right through him and that irritates him. She is currently walking down the hall of the main building, her curly hair in a neat puff and her thin round silver frame glasses on. Her uniform hugs her curves and even though she irritates Aizen, he will admit she is a beautiful woman.


"Virtu. How are you?"

"Are you asking cause you care or because it's the social thing to do?"

He smirks at her and she returns it, smiling back with the same condescending manner.

"Excuse me Aizen-Taichō but I have a meeting at the academy."

She walks off, Aizen watching as she shunpo away. He walks off. He has tea with Gin and Tousen.
Virtu sighs as her badge goes off, signalling a big hollow in the human world. She opens a portal and steps through. She sees the orange haired boy fighting the hollow. He's struggling and she's becoming annoyed.

"Release: Calypso's chains."

The hollow screams as it is killed and the boy whirls around to see Virtu who walks towards him.

"Virtu. Third seat of the fifth division."

"Ichigo Kurosaki."

They shake hands.

"You're on patrol tonight?"

"Yeah. You?"

"No but my badge went off and I figured either there was trouble or it was a fluke. I also can't Sleep."

Ichigo chuckles as she smiles.

"I'll patrol with you. Patrolling is no fun alone."

Ichigo smiles as she puts her Zanpakutō away.

"Lead the way."

Ichigo nods as he begins to walk off.

"Do you not know how to shunpo?"

"No," he says with a blush. "I haven't learned it."

"Would you like to?"

"Yoruichi tried and I couldn't learn and she's the best!"

"Some people teach better than others."

"Don't let her hear you say that."

Virtu chuckles as she stands next to him.

"I always tell my members imagine yourself moving where you want to go. Then imagine how many normal steps it would take. So for example, how many steps would it take for you to go from here to the light?"


"Now, you want to do half those steps. How would you do that?"

"Larger strides."

"Correct. Now try."

"In 10 steps?"


Ichigo nods and begins to go. She smiles as he reaches the light. She appears next to him.

"Now, get to the next light in five steps."

He obeys and reaches, Virtu keeping up with him.

"Now in 2 steps."

Ichigo nods as he focuses before getting there. He reaches in three looking to see disapproval but Virtu smiles.

"Excellent. Now, see if you can keep up with me."

"You're a master!"

"Is that you rejecting a challenge?" She says with a playful smirk. "Rukia told me that you never backdown. I guess she's wrong."

He growls before following, trying to keep up with her. He nearly passes her at one point but she beats him, making him growl in frustration before smiling as she sends him a playful smile.

They continue with the patrol, Ichigo practicing his Shunpo.
Virtu yawns as she sits at her desk, rubbing her eye. She is tired and no amount of tea is helping. Aizen and his damn tea.


The lower seat looks up.

"Can you run to the sunflower cafe and get me a larger iced coffee? Tell them Virtu sent you and they'll make it perfectly."

He nods as he takes the money and leaves, Virtu continuing her paperwork as she tries not to fall asleep. This work is ridiculously boring and she has no idea how she got in the fifth division.

Osi returns and she smiles.

"Bless your soul. Keep the change."

He smiles at her as he goes to run other errands he has as she sips her coffee while returning to work.

The hours fly by before Virtu let's out a breath. She has finished all her paperwork. That is about two days of work but it's amazing what one can do with coffee.

She places her pen down before tidying her desk.

"Night Momo."

"Good Night Virtu."

Virtu leaves, deciding to walk to her quarters today having no desire to use any unnecessary energy. She hears a crunch and she turns to see Gin.

"Hello Gin."

The man insisted she call him Gin and she agreed. While others found the man creepy she found him amusing.

"Hello Queen," Gin says with his signature smile. "Where are you going?"

"Home. I am exhausted."

"Would you like an escort."

She shrugs.

"If you want."

He begins to walk with her a comfortable silence falling between them. The fresh spring air carries the fragrance of cherry blossoms through the air and Virtu smiles softly.

"Why are you smiling Queen?"

"I think it's because it's spring. I was never fond of winter or summer. Spring and fall work for me."

He chuckles as they fall silent again and they reach her quarters. It's an old temple that was renovated. The hints of tradition architect along with modern accents creates a cozy vibe. The garden in the front is perfect and they're greeted by a large white dog and black cat.

"Hello Yang And Yin."

Yang, the dog, barks as Yin, the cat, meows.

"Thank you for walking me home Gin."

"It's my pleasure."

She goes inside, her pets following as Gin walks off, returning to where he was headed in the first place. He enters the quarters and sees Aizen sitting there reading with tea.


"Gin. What took so long?"

"I walked Queen, I mean Virtu home. She has a nice home."

Aizen looks at him.

"She lives in the quarters."

"No she doesn't," Gin says as he makes himself tea. "She lives close by though."

Aizen blinks at this information. He has no idea why he assumed she lived in the quarters of the division. He shakes his head as he begins to listen to Gin tell him what happened in his division today.
Virtu is sitting on the porch when Aizen enters the grounds of her home. She raises an eyebrow but pours a second cup of tea, putting it to the side as he walks up and sits next to her. Yin sniffs him before sitting on his lap. He strokes behind her ear as Yang sits by Virtu.

"Good Morning Taichō."

"Good Morning Virtu."

"What brings you to my humble home this early and on a day off?"

"I can't visit?"

Virtu looks at Aizen before putting her cup down.

"Aizen-Taichō we aren't friends," she says softly. "Not even acquaintances. I don't understand why you came here."

Aizen looks at her as she sips her tea. She strokes Yang's head, the dog's mouth open, tongue out and looks like he's heaven.

"Do you think Komamura looks like that when he's stroked?"

"Excuse me?"

Aizen stares at Virtu who laughs, making a pleased smile appear on Aizen's lips.

"Probably. I shall try next time."

"Next time?"

Virtu smirks before Komamura enters the garden.

"Good Morning Aizen-Taichō. Good Morning Virtu-chan."

"Good Morning Komamura-Taichō," Aizen says as Virtu finishes her tea. She takes Aizen's empty up and takes the tea set inside. She closes the door as Yin and Yang accept the kisses.

"Shall we be on our way?"

Komamura nods as they leave, Aizen watching as they go. He is curious about his third seat.
Virtu walks through the portal and is greeted by Ichigo who grins at her. She smiles back as they begin their rounds. They are greeted by Renji and Rukia.

"Virtu What are you doing here?" Rukia asks.


She nods as Ichigo looks at the two women. Virtu looks away from Rukia who growls.

"You think you're better than us!"

"Why would I think that?"

Rukia growls as Virtu sighs before turning.

"Sorry Ichi. I'm going home."

Ichigo nods as Virtu steps through the portal and it closes. Ichigo begins to walk away.


He ignores them as he takes off. He can't be bothered.
Virtu walks into her garden and sees Aizen. She rolls her eyes but watches as he walks up to where she's seated. He sits next to her.



"Gin told me you came back upset."

"Just stupid nobles being annoying and stupid. What's new?"

Aizen chuckles as he pulls a bottle of wine out and Virtu smiles at seeing its a moscato.

"I'll grab the glasses."

She goes inside and grabs two glasses along with a tray of cheeses, fruit, and crackers. She returns, sitting down with the food and glasses. Aizen fills them.

"You know...I hated you."

"Oh really? Why is that?"

"Cause you see right through me."

Virtu smiles as she takes a sip of her drink before leaning on the pillows.

"Well, we all need someone who can. Someone to call us out on our bullshit."

Aizen looks at her. Virtu sits up, taking his glasses off and slicks his hair back, a single strand hanging in his face. He stares at her.

"You look sinister but you look more honest. Why he soft spoken and friendly?"

"Because I cant be this to get what I want."

"Says who?"

Aizen is for once, at a lost for words and stares at her. Virtu looks at him, holding the wine glass as the moon hits her. Aizen swallows at how beautiful she looks. Her skin glows and her eyes shimmer. He leans forward, kissing her softly. He tastes the sweetness of the wine and the saltiness of the cheese she just ate.

He pulls back and she smiles at him, wiping a piece of wine off his lip.

"You will be my downfall."

She chuckles.

"How could I ever?"

Aizen chuckles as he kisses her again.

"I can't stand you."

Virtu smiles as the two sit together, the two pets lounging with them as they enjoy the calm night.

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