My PA (Chadwick Boseman)

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Chadwick feels the first wave of heat hit him and he shudders, grabbing the table as he takes deep breaths. He needs his suppressants. Yes they'll make the heat worse later on but he needs to finish with this scene. He can't stop now.


He looks up, vision becoming hazy but he can make out the PA assigned to him.


"Are you okay?" Concern colours his voice as he rushes over. He touches his forehead and Chadwick has to swallow his moan of pleasure and relief at his cool skin.  "You're burning up! If you had a fev—"

The scent hits Jermaine's nose and it slowly dawns on him as Chadwick blushes.

"You''re an omega!"


"Sorry," Jermaine whispers as he quickly gathers himself. "I have to get you home...stay there."

Chadwick obeys, feeling the slick slowly running down his leg. Jermaine returns with his coat and he puts it on him.

"That should hide your scent. I told the director you caught a fever and are faint. I was told to get you home and well."

Chadwick nods, his omega instincts heightening. They're telling him to offer himself to this alpha before him but he fights it. He has Taylor. Granted she's a beta but he has her.

But it's not an alpha! his omega side all but screams.

He staggers and Jermaine catches him, holding him as he regains his balance.

"Come. Before someone smells you."

Chadwick nods as he follows after Jermaine who all but carries him to the black SUV. Jermaine spreads a towel on the front seat before helping Chadwick in. Chadwick moans as he grows warmer and needier. He grabs Jermaine's hand, eyes wide with heat, need, and lust.

"I'll get you home."

Chadwick nods as he let's go. Jermaine gets in the driver seat and pulls off, putting Chadwick's address in his GPS. Chadwick grabs his hand, pressing it to his face. It's cool. Something he needs.

Jermaine drives quickly, getting to Chadwick's place in record time.

"We're here."

Chadwick barely registers as Jermaine gets him out and up the stairs. Chadwick leans on Jermaine, moaning as the man fishes his keys from his pocket.

Jermaine jumps, nearly dropping the keys as he feels soft yet needy lips on his neck.


He whimpers, looking up and Jermaine curses. Chadwick is long gone, his heat in full effect.

"It's fine! Fine! I just...just wasn't expecting that. In."

Chadwick walks inside, looking back as Jermaine follows, closing the door as he puts the bags up. He removes his coat and his arms are filled with Chadwick who is hugging and kissing him.

" have a girlfriend."

"No...not...not an..."

Chadwick groans in frustration before kissing Jermaine as he finds a burst of strength and drags the stunned alpha upstairs.

Jermaine, who has been resisting his alpha side, snaps, grabbing Chadwick by the throat as he slams him against the wall, growling softly as Chadwick whimpers.


"Don't you ever, ever drag me," Jermaine growls, eyes hard but lust filled. "Understand?"

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