Replaced (Daniel Kaluuya)

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Alexandra can feel the growing distance between her and Chadwick. She had tried everything to close it but it feels like everytime she tried to, it pushed them further apart. Alexandra sighs as she looks at the living room one more time before laying the envelope with her key and the note on the coffee table.


The brown pitbull comes running to her, sliding into her legs. She chuckles, squatting as she kisses his nose.

"I'm going to miss you. Be good for Daddy okay?"

Coffee barks before licking her cheek. She chuckles before giving him a bully stick. He runs to his dog bed and she smiles, watching him chew on it. She sighs as she leaves, locking the door and setting the alarm as she gets in the car. She pulls off, looking back at the house one last time before heading to the airport.
"Welcome back!" Tatiyana exclaims as she hugs Alexandra who smiles at seeing one of her best friends. Behind her is Regina, Chloe, and Yasmin.

"Group hug!" Chloe exclaims as they all hug, Alexandra giggling as she's given the first proper hug she has gotten in months. It feels good.

"Come in!"

They enter the townhouse and Tatiyana whistles.

"Girl this is money!"

Alexandra smiles. She had inherited her grandmother's townhouse (and a few other properties but that's for another time) and had just finished renovating it. The colour scheme of black, white, burgundy, and gold is beautiful and the interior is looking like it's straight out of a magazine.

"Thanks. Wine?"

"Yes please!" Regina exclaims making them laugh as they remove their shoes and put their coats up. They move to the kitchen and sit at the island, Alexandra grabbing a bottle of wine from the wine cooler in the kitchen and places it on the counter. She grabs five cups and put them out.

"How's Chadwick?" Yasmin asks, thanking Regina for her glass.

"I don't know," Alexandra replies, looking in the fridge, pulling out a sushi platter from Whole Foods.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Chloe asks with a frown. "Ain't he your man?"


"No?!" Her friends exclaim in unison. Alexandra blushes as they stare at her.

"Spill. Now!" Tatiyana commands, her eyes hardening as she stares at Alexandra who sighs.

"We were becoming distant and every time I tried to close the distance he just pushed me away even more. I just gave up and came back home. Why be strung along?"

"Can I kill him?" Chloe asks, looking at Tatiyana for approval.

"I am giving his next movie a horrible review," Regina says, arms crossed. She's a famous and popular film critic. Sometimes her reviews can make or break a movie's success.

"No Regina," Alexandra says with a sigh. "I just want to move on. I'm focusing on me. And I'm adopting a dog."

The group chuckles.

"What kind?"

"Bully! Here! Look!"

She begins to pull up pictures of the bully she's adopting.
"Why did you call this meeting without Alexandra?" Chloe questions as the group of women sit in Regina's living room.

"I have tickets to an upcoming premiere. Chadwick will be attending. We need to find Alexandra a date."

"Why can't we be her dates?" Yasmin asks, tilting her head.

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