What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part VIII...

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Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part VIII...

Home of David Chu and Jennifer Steinecke, Friday morning about six am...

"Jen?" David eyes her as she pulls back to regard him in turn after a passionate kiss, the two in bed naked under sheets. "Do you really have to go out so early? It's such a long day for you and you've been ill."

"Just a cold, I'm fine..." she beamed, moving in again to kiss. "Ma chere...Oh..." she hugged him.

Pull back to show documentary crew in bushes, taking long range shots of the bedroom window...

David and Jen in long-range focus through window...In bed, heads and arms and some chest occasionally visible through the window shot.

Back inside...

"Well...Wait, honey..."

"Come on, we haven't much time before I gotta get up..."

"Yeah, but...Couldn't Mr. Cravensworth see you before six? You say it'll take a few hours to finish going over the house and talking to his family...That's such a long day, Jen."

"You work long hours when you have to, Davey. Honey, it's my job." Jen notes. "Lets make the most of the time we have..." coy smile.

"Sure, but..."

"Maybe Laszlo...Mr. Cravensworth'll let me off earlier than I think. I'll try. Are you set to pick up Suzie at 4?"

"Sure...Ok, but Saturday is free, you promised." David, firmly. "Ginny's been working you much too hard."

"It's my choice. But yeah, it's our weekend...I might have to go out Sunday but just to Meister's place. The deal there is nearly set."

"I hate that guy Meister. He's a fat pig and he practically drools on you." David frowns.

"David? Are you jealous?" she grins. "Come on, he's a sad case. I just throw him a smile, now and then, I feel sorry for men like that."

"He's hardly insecure Jen..." sigh. "You know, I would never interfere in the way you work but sometimes..."

"Yeah?" she eyes him. "'Sometimes'...? Say what you mean, Davey."

"You're a warm person and you like to flirt, I know. And I know you mean only to make people feel good but...Jen, sometimes..." he paused.

"Davey is jealous..." she teased. "David, you know there's no one but you and the Master..."

"What?" he stared.

"What?" she stared back. "There's no one but you...For me."

"'And the Master'? That word again..." David eyed her.


"You said 'and the Master' and the other night, when you were practically fucking my brains out you called me 'master'."

"Did I?" she regarded him. "I guess I was being kinky...I've called you names like that before, come on lets take a shower together and then wake up Suzie for a walk." she rolled out of bed, standing naked before him.

"But what about...Jen, are you ok?" David eyed her.

"Davey..." she sighed. "I been workin' my tail off for us and I'm tryin' to keep the romance goin' . Come on, ma petit..." she beamed. "Take me in the shower and show me who the Master is. Come on..." she backed away, giggling.

"Aw, come on...Je t'aime beaucoup...Je veux te baiser, bebe." forefinger in mouth.

"Eh...fine. But try and get off early, will ya?" he rises from the bed and she backs away, heading for shower facing him, giggling.

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Where stories live. Discover now