What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXVI...

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Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part XXXVI...

The old residence...


Susan, readying for morning shower, pauses to call in...

"Hey, Ginny? Yeah, I'm at the Master's. Guillermo's out for a bit, he went out early, errands I think. Everything's good here, though a friend of his family stopped by just before dawn. A Dr. Acura, said he was an old family friend who needed to see him. I'm afraid it may about his aunt, poor guy. Guess he's from Mexico, he did have an accent. Yeah...He seemed ok, looked like a doctor...Very good-looking doctor, in his fifties or early sixties. If Richard the prof doesn't work out, you may want to have Gui intro you. If the Gui endorses him, he's gotta be a great guy, right?" Smile.

"Yeah, I should make my 9am, no problem. I'll drop by after, is there anything new for me? Ok, that's fine, I've got a lot to do here...Jen and I are starting to box up a few things this afternoon if we can and see about the new beds for the coffins. Erika's due to bring that client Ms. Reynolds round today and I guess Phyl will be by too if she can. Nah, we can handle it. Is everything else going good for the new residence? Great. No, they're all resting. It's just me right now...And of course, the guys here." Wan smile to camera...

"With my life, you know that, Ginny. Anyway, Gui should be back before I go and Jen will be here soon too, to drop off some packing supplies. We're fine. Ok, see ya. What? Oh...Nah..." shrug. "He's shy and I didn't want to press too hard. A real gentleman...Yeah. Though, I hope sooner or later..." winsome smile.

"Well, no offense to Phyl but she's gonna have to work for this one cause I don't intend to share unless Gui wants to...And I don't see him as that sort. No, I'd never let him or them be bothered by it, Ginny." smile. "But you know I never give up easy, so... We'll settle it like ladies, or if we do fight it out, some place far away and alone. Well, I'll see ya. Give my best to everyone..." she hangs up.

"Ginny's a little worried the competition here might get disruptive over Gui." Shrug to camera. "Well, I'd never let it bother the Master or the others or Gui but I don't give up easy as I said. If Gui wants Phyl over me, that's one thing and I'll deal...Or I could accept sharing...But otherwise...I can duke it out with the best of them, in the shadows." Firm stare, smile.


Zeller Properties...10 am...

A frowning Jackie eyeing the camera...

"What? You people back again? Look, take that camera and..."

Ginny emerging from her office at a concerned Martha's urgent summons...

"Hey, guys...It's fine. Jackie? Could we go into the office?"

"I want these guys out, Ginny. What the hell are they doing filming here all the time?" suspicious eyeing of her partner who gave innocently nonchalant shrug.

"Mr. Cravensworth just wants this documented as part..."

"F- Mr. Cravensworth...!"

Oh, you are so lucky Mistress Nadja is the one who took me...Bitch...Ginny smiles warmly at her.

"Not till we settle a couple of deals worth over ten million, Jacks." Ginny, benignly. "It's little enough to humor him. No one's doing anything that they shouldn't." careful stare...Hiss. "Be reasonable...How can it hurt to have a film crew here showing we're totally aboveboard. Come back in the office with me."

"Jesus..." Jackie fumes. "Fine...You people keep out of my way!" she grouses, following Ginny.

"What the hell are you so happy about?" she eyes a beaming Martha at her desk... "Get back to work."

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Where stories live. Discover now