What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XLVI...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part XLVI...

Ginny Zeller's car...

"That was something..." Ginny eyes Jennifer in passenger seat briefly as she drives. "How do you feel?"

"Not like a Dutch doc and vampire hunter, if you're wonderin'." Sheepish grin to Ginny's quick stare. "Honestly, I don't know why he chose to take me for his mouthpiece."

"You were the first of us our Lady and Lords took..." Ginny shrugs.

"In this batch...Gui's told us they've had other enthrallees. Just never so many at once."

"There's nothing else? No reason he'd choose you?" Ginny, wonderingly but slightest edge.

"I've no idea. I could even be family but I don't know of any connection." Slight frown... "Gin? I hope you're not questioning my devotion." Jen asks, sitting up.

"Well, you do have a nice family...David and little Suzette. Could be there's something in you...?" shrug to Jen's stare. "Look, I don't mean anything...It's just we have to find some way to be ready for this guy and his helper or partner or more..."

"Cicely, the Vampire Slayer..." Jen noted. "And I get your concerns, though you have two girls yourself."

"Whoever..." Ginny shrugs... "And I've offered them to the Mistress, no hesitation." Sighs at Jen's forlorn expression... "Sorry. I know you're as devoted as any of us, if not more so. But maybe the Doc Helsing likes little kids or feels protective about them?"

"I guess that's possible..." Jen nods.

"Unless he just has a thing for wearing French-American blondes like suits." Ginny grins.

"Was it that bad?" Jen stares.

"He definitely liked what he saw." Smile. "But the doc was a gent...Though it's not hard to see that he must've liked the ladies in his day."

"Now that's creepin' me out a bit..." Slight nervous brushing back of hair... "He really didn't do anything?" earnest look.

"No. Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you, Jen."

"I've just hated to have done anything...Weird...In front of the Master and Mistress." Jen sighs.

"Just acting like a pretty macho vampire killer and telling us your...I mean his...Partner would be killing our beloved Overlords soon. Sorry..." at Jen's wincing... "But, Jen..." Ginny, a bit distraught now. "We gotta come up with some way to fight this. I couldn't bear to see the Mistress die. And you know that's coming from a girl with a pretty good sense of self preservation and centeredness... I know you're as concerned as I am at least. More so, maybe..." troubled sigh. "You know better than anyone just how centered on myself I've been."

"I never thought you were self-centered, Gin. Just very focused and anxious to succeed." Warm smile. "It's a tough business and you've had to be tough, especially what with Roy and all... We all have done what we had to do until our Masters and the Mistress woke us up to what's really important." Jen notes, patting Ginny's arm. "But...You're right. And I couldn't lose Master Laszlo, I'd rather die myself. But maybe Gui and Sue will find something in Mexico. Maybe even that guy who came looking for Gui is the one."

"He should have let us know...Guillermo." Ginny shakes head. "I love him, too, of course...I get he's concerned for us...And I would never question his authority, in any normal sit. But...Jen? He's not exactly equipped to fight a great vampire hunter, let alone some kind of superpowered Vampire Slayer."

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