What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXI...

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Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part XXXI...

Fieldersen Estate, night...

Large old tree in the deep of the grounds' forest...

"Well..." Laszlo perched in human form in his trademark black suit on branch, Nadja near...Voice low... "Here we are on what I've been told by my new human friend from the Staten Island Historic Preservation Society is one of the few surviving ancient elms on Staten Island. Nadja and I and Nandor naturally couldn't allow our dear Jen and Miss Eloise, our new werewolf and real estate associate, to risk themselves on our soon-to-be new grounds alone..."

Nadja, sour frown at him...

"I had every intention of coming out, lady wife." He notes plaintively.

"Yes, just as you were going to return and save me from the Vampiric Council." Grim reply.

"Indeed I was..." hurt tone. "Now, while I am a man of discretion and sense, have you ever known me not to risk myself for friends when I had them then and you since I did not?"

"Eh..." wave of hand. Sly smile to camera...

Cut to Nadja in, more or less, living room of old residence later this night...

"It's true, he's never not fought for me when it's come to that...But he does have an annoyingly practical sense of wanting to be sure the odds are in his favor if possible." Firm stare, then smile. "I know he was coming back that night with the Council. But, a wife does like to know her husband will die for her when required, without qualification or careful consideration of odds, right? I mean if I were living Gypsy girl in World War II, would he run from Nazis, leaving me, hoping to save me later? By then I'm in gas chamber, dead. Thanks, loads, lover." Frown...Sigh.

"Though it would be what I want, him surviving. I love him more than Unlife, after all. But you want to know he would die in gas chamber with you, you know? Still..." slight, then warming smile. "I know if there was no chance, he would stay and die with me. He has, often enough, nearly." Beam.

"You wicked bitch..." Laszlo, seated next to her, mock glare... "Thank you, lady wife." Pat, then kiss, of hand.

Back to tree perch some hours before...

"Well, that's hurtful..." Laszlo notes, a bit downcast. "But given we're here to see our faithful minion doesn't deprive her daughter of a mother, lets move on and see how they're getting on."

"Don't bat!" Nadja insists, genuinely anxious now. "Jen has anti-vampire stuff, she may not know it's you. Let Nandor do the viewing from the air, he can fly in normal form much better than we and she'll see him. Plus Guillermo is with him on ground, Eloise can sense him faster."

"That's true as to the flying..." Laszlo notes to camera. "Nandor has great ability in that regard. I'm rather jealous of it, actually. He can just 'take off' in vampiral form and fly round like Superman, impressing the ladies, without ever changing to bat form. I've tried but I just can't quite master it. My dark powers lie more in seduction and thrall, obviously." Lewd grin.

"Really?" Nadja, disdainful look. "I'd never noted that. Then again, perhaps you are just too fat to fly in normal form."

"Oh, that's charming...Right in front of our crew, you say that to me? It's not my fault, you know. In my day, a gentleman took on a bit of embellpont as a sign he was successful and prosperous." Sigh. "I use the stairmaster every day, religiously..."

"Fine...You are portly stud." She grins to camera after frowning at him.

Cuddly sexy portly stud...She breathes to camera.

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