What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXX...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part LXXX...

Fence at the far edge of Auntie Rosa's estate ranch, facing a magnificent view of a canyon beyond...Sunset...

"I remember when you used to come to visit and we'd come out here..." Roderigo smiles at Guillermo.

"And I'd have hay fever and have to head back in...Or I'd trip on the brush or fall on the fence or somehow hurt myself." Sigh.

"You're too hard on yourself, cousin. I remember how you could name animals and things I didn't know existed...All the stars and constellations, I admired you."

"You were always a good friend, Roderigo. I'm sorry I haven't been down more often these last years, it's been busy back there in New York."

"It's fine...And I enjoyed the times I came up to see you, my cousin in the Big Apple."

"Hardly. I knew less of New York than you did. You knew everything, I couldn't even find my way around without a map."

"You always had the nose to the grindstone, maybe a bit too much, Guillermo...Gui..." shrewd smile. "But I see more recently you've managed to stick your head up and get around a little. She's quite a catch, kiddo."

"Not really my catch, Roderigo."

"Kid..." sigh, shake of head. "That girl adores you. Matter of fact, I'd say both your lady friends think pretty highly of their guy 'Gui'. Wish I had whatever it is you got, though I suppose I'm getting by."

"You sure are...I saw how Jacinta was looking at you." Guillermo, teasing tone. "So you finally landed our girl. I knew you would."

"It was touch and go but she finally decided she'd take a chance on me, seeing as I was so good with Auntie."

"You were, cousin. Thanks. I know it must have been heavy, I should have found more ways to help. I honestly would've if I'd known how bad she was getting, though it's no excuse..."

"She didn't want you to be worried...And it was fine, it helped me get some balance in my life, working here."

"Which is why you should be in charge here. You know the place, I don't."

"We're partners, cousin. I know you have a life up North, but this is your home too." They paused at the fence, staring out as the sun dropped finally below the horizon, red and gold clouds streaming towards them.

"It is, it always will be." Guillermo agrees. "But you're the man to run it, if you want to. I'd rather family did than some management team."

"Family is what Auntie would want. Well, Jacinta does want to come back and try to help, with the occasional month's sojourn in the States, I guess we'll settle in here, if you're sure. But the place is always yours as well. And Sue's, when you settle things."

"Well, we'll see...I'm not sure if I'm really what she wants, to be honest. She's very kind but..."

"Guillermo, don't be a fool. She doesn't seem the flighty type to me. She loves you and I know why..."

Slight nervous stare...

"You've just never let yourself believe in yourself. But she sees what Auntie and I always saw, a great guy with a big heart, capable of doing anything he sets mind and heart to. She's lucky, Guillermo. And, so are you. Though, dude..." slight grin. "I think you have a lady problem given Miss Phyllis." Shake of head.

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora