Trains ~1~

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A/N: Thank you for even considering reading this! I would just like to say that my timestamp is ***. Which means, whenever I put ***, that means that the time will change. Okay sorry back to the story.

Elphaba's POV

I'm packing a single bag in preparation for my meeting with the Wizard of Oz. I'm freaking out of my mind when I try to think of all the things I'd need. Then, Glinda runs into the dorm room.

    "Elphie!" She exclaimed.

    "Yes?" I said as I turned around. "What do you need?"

    "We need to leave in thirty minutes!" She explained.

    Of course, I'd already known that I've been waiting for this day since... since birth. I went along with it anyway.

    "Alright," I replied. "I'll be there soon."

    "I've always wanted to see the Emerald City!" She bubbled. She was practically jumping off the walls.

    I changed from my Glinda-fied outfit into one more suiting my personality. It was a simple dress, ending mid-lower leg. Then, I had some black boots paired with black tights. Glinda changed from a simple tan skirt and white top to a flattering yellow dress. I put the hat on Glinda gave me and grabbed my case. We were ready for Oz. I was filled with adrenaline as Glinda grabbed my arm and practically dragged me out of the dorm.


We soon arrived at the train station to Oz, probably fifteen-ish minutes before boarding. Then a familiar silhouette approached us out of the fog.

    "Fiyero?" Glinda said cheerfully.

    She talked about changing her name to where the 'Ga' was silent. They stood there for some moments, talking normally until Fiyero interrupted the conversation.

    "Glinda, I need to tell you something," Fiyero stated.

    "What would that be?" She questioned excitedly.

     "Glinda I don't think this can work out," He said, almost at a whisper.

    Glinda's natural pink glow was quickly draining from her face.

    "What?!" She whimpered.

    "I can't do this anymore Glinda," Fiyero responded. "I love someone else."

    "And who's that?!" She growled.

    "Glinda, I love..." Fiyero said, with a slight bit of pity in his voice.

    The name Fiyero had said was soon muffled by the roaring sound of the train. I knew I had to take action so I quickly grabbed Glinda's hand as she took one last glance at him. I could see Fiyero running off with another mistress, and mouthing "I'm sorry" to us. Glinda rushed onto the train, pulling me now. She sat down and I put my case on the rack above us.

    "Glinda I-"

    "Don't," She interrupted. "I think I just need to lie down a bit."

    She was very teary-eyed, almost crying now. I sat down next to her and she leaned on my shoulder.

Glinda's POV

    I rested my head on my good friend's shoulder while resisting the urge to cry. I thought Fiyero was the one. I guess he wasn't. I wonder how long he had known that new girl. I wonder where she came from. I wonder if he ever loved me. There were so many missing gaps. All these thoughts swirled around my head until Elphie offered me some water. I hadn't noticed, but I was sobbing and she was afraid of getting wet. I sat up, careful to not get any water or tears on her.

    "I can't believe he did that to me," I cried out.

    "I know," She responded. "But I think he was trying to be as sincere as he could, he just didn't want to hurt you any more than he already did."

    "Elphie," I said slowly.

    "Yes?" She responded.

    "Do you think I'll ever find someone again?" I said sadly.

    "Of course you will. Glinda, you're the most popular person in Shiz. You'll find someone I'm sure." She assured.

    "Thank you," I said softly, hugging her.
I stared at Elphie for a moment, she was reading her book. I noticed how intriguing she really was. Those fiery brown eyes, her beautiful emerald hue, ebony black hair that shined in the sunlight. I shook off my thoughts and sat up. The rest of the train ride was peaceful. We talked a lot about Shiz, along with our childhoods. I told her about how my father left, as that lead to my needing of attention. I wasn't ignored as a child, more just left out. So when I saw all of those people cheering for me at Shiz, it made me feel special and well, loved. Then Fiyero came and made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. But I guess that's gone now.

Elphaba's POV

I learned about Glinda's troubled past. I soon learned that we had more in common than I had anticipated. Glinda's father left when she was very young, which made her mother distant from her. It made me sad but it also told me that I wasn't alone. I felt a connection with her that way and we both felt a little more understood. Glinda had fallen asleep for the rest of the trip while I read a book I brought along.  Then, the green glow of the city came on the horizon and I quickly tapped Glinda's shoulder.

    "Glinda! Glinda!" I said at a loud whisper.

    "What?" She said scrambling up and looking at me.

    I pointed to the window and there it was in all of its glory. The Emerald City. Glinda pressed herself against the window and looked in awe.

    "It's even more beautiful than I ever imagined!" She exclaimed.

    "It is," I agreed. "And we're going there!"

    "I'm so excited!" She said happily.

    I was glad she was happy. She had been through a lot in the past few hours. Seeing her there, in the sunrise, I noticed how beautiful she looked. I phased out gazing at her, soon she tapped me on the shoulder and pointed at the main castle. I snapped out of it and I saw the iconic Oz clock towering above the green town. It was much bigger than I expected, at least fifteen feet wide and tall.

    "Are you ready?" Glinda asked bubbly.

    "As ready as I'll ever be," I explained.

    She smiled at me and I blushed a bit. Not like the normal blush though. Nothing about me is normal. I turned a darker shade of green in the cheek instead of a normal person's pink or red. We were only a few minutes away now and we were both pretty giddy with excitement. We arrived and practically jumped out of our seats. I grabbed around for my bag on the upper rack and we made our way to our hotel. We arrived about thirty minutes later and settled in. Everything was a beautiful shade of green. We only had one short day though, so we had to get it going.

    "C' mon let's go!" Glinda said as she grabbed my arm and started bolting for the door.

    "Okay," I laughed, trying to keep up.

    With that, we were out in the world of the Emerald City.

A/N: Thank you for reading! This is my first story I've published on here so I apologize for any mistakes. Thanks again!

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