Gone? ~6~

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Glinda's POV

I stayed in my room in the castle for quite sometime after that. I would refuse to come out or see anybody. I was confused and sad. I missed Elphie with my entire being. I decided I finally had to do something instead of sitting there in my room doing absolutely nothing. I got into my bubble and looked in the forest where Elphie had gone with Fiyero. There was a small meadow between the trees, where you could clearly see the sky. I sat there and cried. I laid against a tree and drifted off to sleep. I thought back to all the questions I was asked a few days ago. "Glinda, was it true she was your friend?" Somebody asked while other people screamed. I sighed and thought back to my Shiz days. We were in sorcery together with Madame Morrible. We both wanted a career in the topic. I walked around the forest wondering what I could've done to help. Everyone was so excited to hear that Elphie was gone that they only thought of me as 'Glinda the Good' instead of just 'Glinda'. 

Elphaba's POV

I had to stay in my little fort for some time, only keeping track of the days by the sound of the Oz clock. I would get food from Chistery and some other monkeys occasionally. I had almost nothing to do so I practiced my non-verbal spells. It was difficult because I had to teach myself. I no longer had my spellbook either so I had to come up with things on my own to see if anything would work. I remembered when I first was enrolled at Shiz University and Madame Morrible told me that I had talent. But I didn't. It was just something that had always happened to me if I got mad or upset. I had gotten mad that Madame Morrible said that she was taking Nessa into her personal care. I got mad because I promised Father that I would.


"Wait I promised Father!" I said while walking towards Nessa. "Elphaba, I'll be alright!" My sister protested. I was angry that a person I barely knew was taking away my sister to god knows where. That and combined that I would have to share a room with someone else. But my roommate was pretty cute although I doubt she'd ever like me. Anyway, I thought I'd be able to have a room to myself. "Let her go!" I screamed as I slammed my case on the ground. She rolled around in a puff of smoke and I held her chair. "How did she do that?" Madame Morrible said. "How did she do that?" My roommate echoed to her friends. I looked around to see everyone looking at me. Some had a mad expression while others had a scared one. I backed up realizing my mistake. "Elphaba you promised that it would be different here!" Nessa screamed while turning around to face me. "Different? You mean this type of thing has happened before?" Madame Morrible said walking towards me. "Yes," I said while walking towards her as others backed away. "It just comes over me sometimes. But I will try to control myself-" I said as Madame Morrible gave me a confused look. "Never apologize for talent dearie!" She replied with excitement. "Many years I have waited for a talent like yours to come!" She exclaimed. Then she proceeded to tell me that I would be attending her sorcery seminar and she wouldn't work with anyone else. When I was in her first class I told her that if she didn't let Glinda into the class I would quit the seminar. In reality, I just wanted to have another class with her. Just me and her in the class. 

*End of Flashback*

I looked at the roof of my little shelter and got up. For the first time in days, I opened the door to my little make-shift home and took a breath of fresh air. Then I saw someone and quickly closed it again. I cast a quick lock spell that I remembered from sorcery class. I'd get updates from the newsletter that Chistery got for me every week. He soon came swooping in from the other exit and handed me the paper. I scanned through it seeing articles about my death, how it had been a week since the wizard left, and one article with Glinda on it. It said that she had not been seen since the celebration of my death. I was concerned. She loved showing her face to the world and this long away was very unlike her. I hoped that she was at least able to talk to someone about it. 

Glinda's POV

I sat and looked around. I saw that the meadow was turning purple. Tons of night violets were blooming in the moonlight. I laid down in the middle of the violets, giving my peripheral vision a beautiful purple tint. I remembered that girls would sometimes give other girls violets to represent that they loved them. I looked around and picked a bunch of them. I cried a little remembering that when Elphie died no one cared. She didn't even have a funeral, let alone a burial. I went back in my bubble wanting to lie down and I put the purple flowers into a vase of water. I laid down and looked at the ceiling of my room. I rolled over and looked at the purple flowers and decided to do something with them. I changed into my bubble dress in case someone saw me. I decided since Elphie wasn't fond of my bubble, I would walk instead. I walked on the yellow brick road in the moonlight to where I saw Elphaba last. I went into the little room underground and walked down the stairs. No one was there, of course. I laid the violets on the ground and sat there for a little. I talked about what was going on since Elphie died. Then I left. I went home and finally went to sleep. I decided the next night I would bring more violets to the little room. To my surprise, the first bunch wasn't there anymore. I didn't think much of it and I laid the flowers down on the floor. This continued for the next few months. I bring the violets, I lay them where the violets from the day before were, I talk about my day, I leave. Repeat. 

A/N: Thanks for reading! Another chapter will be out soon.

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