Negotiating ~20~

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Elphaba's POV

I hugged Glinda and soon felt my eyelids turning heavy. It was hard to keep them open so I closed them. I huddled close to Glin to keep warm and soon fell asleep. I woke up on the floor with a blanket wrapped around both me and Glinda. I rolled over and blushed as I saw the hickey I had given Glinda the night before. I put one arm around her slender waist and was careful not to wake her. I closed my eyes again and tried to go back to sleep but Glinda turned to face me. "Good morning Elphie!" She said quietly. "Good morning," I replied. "Did you take us in last night?" I asked remembering that when I fell asleep we were still in the bubble. "Yeah, a half an hour after you fell asleep," She said as she put her arm on me. I smiled and looked around. "Did you put the blanket on us too?" I asked. "No, although I think it might've been Chistery," She explained. "That makes sense," I said as I kept closing my eyes. "He's a good monkey," I continued with my eyes closed. "Very misunderstood," I ended.

Soon after, Glinda got up and I had fallen back asleep. She tapped on my shoulder. "Hey Elphie, want to go eat?" She asked as I looked up at her. "Sure," I said. "Also I've been thinking-" "What is it?" Glinda interrupted. "Well- trying to talk things through with Boq. He was just manipulated by Madame Morrible, maybe we were a little harsh on him?" I pondered. "He'd be behind bars of course," I continued. "We could put him in the dungeon," I said. "And then talk to him safely," I finished. "Okay sure," Glin agreed. "As long as he's secure. I don't want either of us to get hurt," She explained. I nodded and got the plans ready. "Okay we're going to meet him at the fifth hour of the Time Dragon Clock," I explained. "Okay," She said looking at me. "That date was really nice last night," She said dreamily. "Yeah," I said blushing. "We should do it again sometime," I continued. "I'd love to," She said while twirling around the room. I smiled and started to get ready. It was hour three on the Time Dragon Clock and we had to be there a little early to get there. I changed into my usual dress I wore, while Glinda changed into her bubble dress. I decided to just leave my hair down because it would be a hassle to do anything else with it. Glinda did her usual graceful curly hairdo, with her crown. I checked the time again and it was 4:30 on the Time Dragon Clock. "Time to go," I said looking at her. She had a nervous look of her face so I walked over to her. "Toss toss," I said throwing my long hair behind my back. She smiled and exhaled. "Toss toss," She said copying me. I put on my black hat and we were ready.

Glinda's POV

I summoned my bubble while Elphie got her broom. We both took off at the same time, although Elphie speeded ahead since her broom was faster. She waited for me though and soon we got to the dungeon. We walked in and heard the roar of the Time Dragon Clock. A guard lead us to the cell they put Biq in. I got more and more nervous as we approached but I remembered that Elphie was here. Everything would be okay, right? I'm sure it would.

I saw the small glint of shiny tin coming from behind the dark iron bars. "Hello, Biq," I said. "It's Boq!" He said. "And what are you doing with her?!" He boomed. "Boq, we just want to talk," Elphie explained. "No you and your sister you're exactly the same!" He screeched. "Hey hey it's okay. We'll figure this out okay?" I asked. Biq immediately listened to me. "Of course Miss Glinda," He said politely. I could tell Elphie was losing her temper for this man but managed to keep it in.

"Have you come back to see me? Do you need something? Or someone?" He eagerly asked Glinda. "I know I'm just a little Munchkin but even Munchkins can have feelings. I wish you'd realize mine for you," He said quickly. "Oh Biq, I know you like me. It's spread all over your face, but you need to come to the realizentation that I like-" "Boq," He interrupted. I looked over at Elphie and she had utter hate in her eyes but still stayed calm. She took a breath. "Will you excuse me? I need to go check on what time it is," Elphie explained. "Elphie why does that matter-" I started to say. "Yes you may," Boq said quickly. "Okay," She said walking away around the corner to the left. "Elphie what are you-" I said until Boq grabbed my hand. "So What don't you like about me? I can change! What am I doing wrong? Tell me anything," He said while I tried to pull my hand out of his grasp. "I don't know it's just-" "Yes you do know!" He exclaimed. "I want to know! What is something that Elphaba is that I'm not?" He said firmly. I tried to pull my hand away but he kept a tight grip on it. I stood quietly not knowing what to say. Elphie was at least one-hundred times better than Biq by far. She was kind, smart, beautiful, everything. Biq was just... ugh. It doesn't help either that I'm gay. I couldn't just tell him that though. I didn't know what to say. All these thoughts swirled around my head until I saw Biq waving his hand in front of my face. "Miss Glinda are you okay? You spaced out," He explained. "Why yes," I lied. Where was Elphie? I waited for a few minutes with Biq asking me all sorts of questions. I started to get really annoyed. "STOP IT!" I screamed. We argued for a few more minutes until I couldn't stand it anymore. Suddenly, a gust of wind flew by from the left. It moved my hair to reveal the bright pink love bite on my neck. "What is that?!" Biq said.

A/N: I decided to put a small bit of Oz language in it to give it a try. 'Realizentation' is a word that I made up since in the play there was language similar to it. For example: "disrespectation". Okay, rant over thanks for reading! A new chapter will be out soon.

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