Festivating ~47~

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Elphaba's POV

I smiled down at Glinda's beautiful face. We finished the pictures and we went back to the OzDust ballroom. We danced until morning. You could say I did find the prettiest girl and gave her a whirl. We cleaned up the big ballroom and took Glinda's bubble to the Gillikin. We landed at little cabin near the beach and we settled it. We brought all of our things in and I sat on the couch. Glinda sat next to me and we both instantly fell asleep from sleep-deprivation. We woke up later in the afternoon and I walked out on the beach. Glinda came behind me and held my hand. I smiled down at her and hugged her. "Hello, my sweet," I said quietly, enjoying the sunset. "Hello, dearest," She said while sitting down in the sand and pulling her down with me. I giggled while falling in the sand next to her. I wrapped my arm around her back and shoulder. She rested her head on my shoulder and we looked at the sunset. I held Glinda's hand and we stood up. We walked across the beach taking to a few animals on the way. Glin and I went back to the little cabin and walked in. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked while walking over to the small kitchen. "Food," She said sarcastically. "Alright, breakfast for dinner then," I said jokingly. I made some pancakes and put them on the plates. I put them on the table as we both sat down. "Oz will you please bless this mess," Glinda said before picking up her fork and chowing down. I giggled and started eating as well. We finished and put the plates in the sink before going to the master bedroom. We changed into our pajamas and I picked up my book. I started reading as Glin brushed her teeth and took a shower. I walked into the restroom and took my own shower in some oils and brushed my teeth. I changed into my sweatpants and baggy shirt and went back to my book. Glinda was looking at her shoes that she organized on the floor while I closed my book. Glinda walked over and held my hand in hers. I wanted to walk over to the window but she started sitting down on the bed. I was pulled in the opposite direction and landed on Glin. "Uh- sorry," I said while greenifying. "I did it on purpose," She said giggling. I put my face against hers and kissed her. She kissed back and it soon lead to a deep make out session. I gave Glin a small hickey under her collarbone and she giggled. I blushed looking up at her and she kissed me on the forehead. I scooted off of her and she put her arm across my chest and onto my shoulder. I reached up and turned off the lamp. I faced Glinda and cupped her cheek in my hand. She covered herself in the blankets and we both fell asleep.

Glinda's POV

I woke up in the morning while Elphie was still asleep so I scooted closer to her and closed my eyes again. I put my face in the crook of her neck. She woke up a few minutes later and I opened my eyes to look at her. She gave me a kiss on the head and I smiled. "Good morning dearest," I said while snugging up to her. "Good morning Boo," I listened when I felt a hand on my back. I smiled and we got out of bed. I looked at the ocean view we had from the window and Elphie went to the restroom. I started to make breakfast for Elphie since we would be doing a lot of stuff today. I made some avocado toast. She came out as I was setting the plates down on the table and she smiled. "Thank you, my sweet," She said while sitting down after giving me a kiss on the cheek. We ate our food and looked at the beach. Once we finished, we got up and got dressed. Elphie got into some ripped black jeans and a t-shirt, with some flannel wrapped around her waist. She let her hair down with a slight part and put on her black heel-boots. I put on a pink crop-top with white skinny jeans and some pink platform heels. We went to a lot of tourist-y places since the Gillikin was so big. I had never seen this part of it before so I was pretty excited. We walked around and looked in a museum. It told us the history of Oz, which Elphie practically knew inside and out. I was glad it wasn't harping on the past though. We went out for lunch at a small vegan place down the road. It was a hole-in-the-wall place but it was homey on the inside. We got some ice cream and went into a few shops. We then had to get back to our little cabin to change since we were going out to a fancy restaurant and a play that night. We got back and I got to work. I picked out a dress to wear and put it on in the restroom. I put on some matching make up and did my hair. It was slightly curled at the ends, with my part pulled back by a glittery barrette. I put on some light pink heels that matched my dress and came out of the restroom. I was greeted by a beautiful green girl, who had a sleek black dress on that was simple but elegant. Her hair was straight until mid-upper arm, where it was then wavy. I blushed a deep red and came up to her. Because of the heels, I was up to her hight and I looked in her fiery brown eyes. She kissed me on the forehead and we walked out the door, hand in hand.

A/N: Thanks for reading! A new chapter will be out soon. I can't verify that it'll be tomorrow, since I'm going out of town and I won't have service. But I'll try! Love you all.

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